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[The Lord is risen indeed]


To—“Rejoice, the Lord is King.”

The Lord is risen indeed,
And bids His members rise!
Ye saints, by Jesus freed,
Pursue Him to the skies:
This is the day the Lord hath made;
Rejoice, and be for ever glad!
On this triumphant day,
Peculiarly His own,
He calls His church to pray,
And sing around His throne:
This is the day the Lord hath made;
Rejoice, and be for ever glad!
Jesus, to us impart
Thy resurrection's power,
And teach our quicken'd heart
Its living Lord to' adore,
To vie with the redeem'd above
Rejoicing in Thy pardoning love.
Us by Thy peace assure
Thou dost our sins forgive,
And then our spirits pure
Unto Thyself receive,
To keep the day of rest above
Rejoicing in Thy heavenly love.



[Giver of unfeign'd repentance]


To—“Jesus, show us Thy salvation.”

Giver of unfeign'd repentance,
Unto us Thy blessing give,
That we may the mortal sentence
In our guilty selves receive;
Sensible of our demerit,
May from every sin depart,
Offering up a troubled spirit,
Rendering Thee a broken heart.
From the evils which surround us
That we may this moment fly,
By a stroke of mercy wound us,
By Thy kind upbraiding eye:
Out of Thine obdurate creature
Thou the stony heart remove;
Cast the look that vanquish'd Peter,
Melt us down by dying love.
Let Thy dying love constrain us
Our ingratitude to mourn,
Let Thine unknown anguish pain us,
Till the wanderers return;
Fill our souls with sacred trouble,
Give us bitterly to weep,
All our burdens, Lord, redouble,
Sink us in the lowest deep.
From the pit of condemnation
When to Thee for help we cry,
Visit us with Thy salvation,
Show the open fountain nigh;


Show Thyself our bleeding Jesus,
All our sufferings to remove,
With Thy pardoning mercy bless us,
Bless us with Thy perfect love.


[Happy soul whom Jesus loves]


To—“Happy Magdalene.”

Happy soul whom Jesus loves,
Freely loves and justifies!
Jesus all his griefs removes,
Jesus all his wants supplies,
With celestial manna feeds,
(Manna to the world unknown,)
By the silent waters leads
Up to an eternal throne.
Saviour, speak the blessing ours;
(Peace Thy gracious word imparts;)
Bid us taste the heavenly powers,
Stamp the pardon on our hearts;
Wait our longing hearts on Thee,
Till Thou shed Thy love abroad,
Give the glorious liberty,
Wash us in Thy hallowing blood.
Well Thou know'st we cannot rest
Unrenew'd and unforgiven;
Troubled is the faithless breast,
Unassured of peace with heaven:
Sick through hope so long delay'd
Still we for redemption groan,
Of an angry God afraid,
Flying from a God unknown.


Sent Thy Father to proclaim,
Wilt Thou not the veil withdraw;
Turn, by telling us His name,
Servile fear to filial awe?
Now the evangelic grace
Let us with Thyself receive,
See in Thine the Father's face,
Bless'd in God for ever live.


[Meet and right it is to praise]


To—“Hail the day that sees Him rise.”

Meet and right it is to praise
God the Giver of all grace,
God whose mercies are bestow'd
On the evil and the good:
He prevents the creature's call,
Kind and merciful to all,
Makes His sun on sinners rise,
Showers His blessings from the skies.
Least of all Thy mercies we
Daily Thy salvation see,
As by heavenly manna fed,
Through a world of dangers led,
Through a wilderness of cares,
Through a thousand, thousand snares,
More than now our hearts conceive,
More than we can know and live.
By our bosom-foe beset,
Taken in the fowler's net,
Passion's unresisting prey
Oft within the toils we lay:


Sleeping on the brink of sin
Tophet gaped to take us in;
Mercy to our rescue flew,
Broke the snare, and brought us through.
Here, as in the lions' den,
Undevour'd we still remain,
Pass secure the watery flood
Hanging on the arm of God:
Here we lift our voices higher,
Shout in the Refiner's fire,
Clap our hands amidst the flame,
Glory give to Jesus' name.
Jesus' name in Satan's hour
Stands our adamantine tower:
Jesus doth His own defend,
Love, and save us to the end:
Love shall make us persevere
Till our conquering Lord appear,
Bear us to our thrones above,
Crown us with His heavenly love.


[How good and pleasant 'tis to see]


To—“Hail, Jesus, hail, our great High-Priest.”

How good and pleasant 'tis to see,
When brethren cordially agree,
And kindly think and speak the same,
A family of faith and love,
Combined to seek the things above,
And spread the common Saviour's fame!


The God of grace, who all invites,
Who in our unity delights,
Vouchsafes our intercourse to bless,
Revives us with refreshing showers,
The fulness of His blessings pours,
And keeps our minds in perfect peace.
Jesus, Thou precious Corner-stone,
Preserve inseparably one
Whom Thou dost by Thy Spirit join:
Still let us in Thy Spirit live,
And to Thy church the pattern give
Of unanimity Divine:
Still let us to each other cleave,
And from Thy plenitude receive
Constant supplies of hallowing grace,
Till to a perfect man we rise,
O'ertake our kindred in the skies,
And find prepared our heavenly place.


[Father of omnipresent grace]


To—“Sinners, rejoice, your peace is made.”

Father of omnipresent grace,
We seem agreed to seek Thy face;
But every soul assembled here
Doth naked in Thy sight appear:
Thou know'st who only bows the knee,
And who in heart approaches Thee.


Thy Spirit hath the difference made
Betwixt the living and the dead:
He now doth into some inspire
The pure, benevolent desire:
O that even now His powerful call
Might quicken and convert us all!
The sinners suddenly convince
O'erwhelm'd beneath their load of sins,
To-day, while it is call'd to-day,
Awake, and stir them up to pray,
Their dire captivity to own,
And from the iron furnace groan.
Then, then acknowledge, and set free
The people bought, O Lord, by Thee,
The sheep for whom their Shepherd bled,
For whom we in Thy Spirit plead;
Let all in Thee redemption find,
And not a hoof be left behind.


[Jesus, display Thy presence here]


To—“Jesus, we hang upon the word.”

Jesus, display Thy presence here,
Celestial Architect Divine,
To raise our fallen souls, appear,
To consecrate Thy human shrine,
A temple for the Deity,
A mansion not unworthy Thee.


Thy hands must the foundation lay,
Thy hands the fabric must complete:
O come, and take our sins away,
Forgive us trembling at Thy feet,
Assure our hearts of sin forgiven,
And build Thy temples up to heaven.
Who seek redemption in Thy blood,
O let us there our pardon find,
With all the character of God,
With all Thy meek and lowly mind,
(To fit us for our place above,)
With all Thy purity of love.
Accomplish Thy redeeming plan,
By Thine almighty Spirit's power
Conduct us to a perfect man,
And at our last triumphant hour
Remove into Thy blissful sight,
And fill our souls with glorious light.


[Jesus, full of pity, see]


To—“Jesus, dear departed Lord.”

Jesus, full of pity, see
Souls so dearly bought by Thee;
Souls so dearly bought in vain,
If we still in sin remain;
If we unconverted die,
Though Thou didst our pardon buy,
Wasted is the blood it cost,
Every precious drop is lost.


Wilt Thou not our guilt remove,
Show us Thy redeeming love,
Of Thy pardoning grace assure,
Make our sprinkled conscience pure?
Yes; Thy cross hath promised all;
Thou shalt raise us from our fall,
Every purchased good impart,
Purify and fill our heart.
In our desolate estate
We for full redemption wait,
Wait the leisure of our Lord,
Sure to be at last restored:
We for whom our God hath died,
We shall feel Thy blood applied,
Perfect peace in Jesus given,
Finish'd holiness, and heaven.


[Spirit of love, return]


To—“Spirit of truth, descend.”

Spirit of love, return
To every troubled breast,
And comfort us who mourn
For permanence of rest:
Thou dost Thy mourners' steps attend,
Our undiscover'd Guide;
But come our grief and sin to end,
And in our hearts abide.
With us residing here,
We know Thee now in part;
The Author of our fear
And all our hope Thou art:


Thou often visitest Thine own;
But in an hour, or day,
Our transitory Guest is gone,
Our joy is fled away.
How short, alas, our taste
Of those celestial powers,
When a few moments bless'd,
We know that Christ is ours,
That Christ hath quench'd the wrath of God,
His Father's grace reveal'd,
And bought our pardon with His blood,
And on our conscience seal'd.
O might we always know
The Father reconciled:
Set up Thy throne below
In each adopted child;
Restore the kingdom of Thy grace,
And fill us from above
With purest joy, and perfect peace,
And everlasting love.