University of Virginia Library


[Giver of the nightly songs]


To—“Hearts of stone, relent, relent.”

Giver of the nightly songs,
Fain we would Thy glory raise,
Pay Thee what to Thee belongs,
All our life and all our praise;
But till Thou Thy blood apply,
Thee we cannot glorify.
Thou hast bought us with Thy blood,
Yet we still in Egypt dwell,
Strangers to a dying God,
Till Thou dost Thyself reveal:
Hear us for redemption groan,
Claim the prisoners for Thine own.
Mightier than the mighty, seize
Whom Thou hast redeem'd of old,
Us the slaves of man release,
Us to sin and Satan sold,
Bid Thy ransom'd creatures rise,
Bear away the lawful prize.
Set our hearts at liberty,
Through the power of pardoning grace,
Then we shall give thanks to Thee,
Publish our Redeemer's praise,
Chant the Lamb like those above,
Only live to sing and love.