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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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expand section35. 
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§ 35-1. Application for service; deposits; making connections and installing
meters; temporary connection; charge for turning on water.

§ 35-2. Rates.

§ 35-3. Charge when meter fails to register.

§ 35-4. When bills payable.

§ 35-5. Cutting off service for nonpayment of bills.

§ 35-6. Charge for connecting after water cut off for nonpayment.

§ 35-7. Complaints against water bills; testing meters.

§ 35-8. Authority to furnish to consumers outside city; connecting charge;


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§ 35-9. Unauthorized persons turning water on or off, etc.

§ 35-10. Opening fire hydrants.

§ 35-11. Steam boilers taking water directly from service pipe.

§ 35-12. Classification of premises; consumer may have more than one connection
and meter.

§ 35-13. Obstructing access to meters.

§ 35-14. Taps on raw water line.

§ 35-15. Wrongful connections.

§ 35-16. Use of water from another's premises.

§ 35-17. Defacing or injuring waterworks, obstructing fixtures, wasting water,

§ 35-18. Right of access to premises supplied with water.

§ 35-19. Inspection, maintenance and use of pipe lines laid by property owners.

§ 35-20. Covering and location of service lines to houses.

§ 35-21. Air conditioning or refrigeration systems.

Sec. 35-1. Application for service; deposits; making connections
and installing meters; temporary connection;
charge for turning on water.

Whenever any person owning or leasing property along a street
in which a city water main has been installed desires the
introduction of water onto his premises, he shall make written
application to the director of finance, on forms prescribed by the
director of finance and approved by the city manager, which shall
set forth the name of the applicant, the location and description of
the property into which the water is to be introduced and the
purpose for which the water is to be used. For domestic


Page 543
consumers, such application shall be accompanied by a deposit of
five dollars if the water is furnished within the city and ten
dollars if the water is furnished outside the city. For commercial
consumers, the deposit shall be based upon the estimated
consumption, but shall not exceed twenty-five dollars.

In addition to such deposits, there shall be a charge of two
hundred thirty-five dollars, payable upon such application, for the
installation and connection of a five-eighths inch water meter to
the city's main. If the applicant desires a larger service and meter
than the foregoing, he shall be furnished an estimate of the cost of
providing such service, including the cost of the meter and repairs
to the street, by the city engineer and, after the payment of this
estimate and approval by the city manager, the city shall cause
the service and meter to be installed.

All installations made pursuant to this section from and
including the meter to the main shall be the property of the city
and the city shall maintain such service and meter.

There shall be a charge of twenty-five dollars, payable in
advance, for all temporary connections.

There shall be a service charge of two dollars for turning on
water. (Code 1959, § 35-1; 1-3-61; 8-5-63; 8-17-70; 12-31-73, § 1.)

Sec. 35-2. Rates.

Water rates shall be as follows:

Consumers inside city.

Minimum charge (300 cu. ft.)  $2.00 
All over 300 cu. ft. per 1,000 cu. ft.  3.75 

Consumers outside city.

The rates for consumers outside of the city shall be one hundred
per cent in addition to the above-named rates.

Special contracts.

This section shall not apply to special contracts for the
consumption of water which have been authorized by the city
council. (Code 1959, § 35-2; 8-20-62; 12-31-73.)


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Sec. 35-3. Charge when meter fails to register.

If any water meter shall fail to register, the charge shall be the
average reading for the three preceding months. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 35-4. When bills payable.

All water accounts shall be due and payable monthly on or
before the fifteenth day after a statement is rendered. (Code 1959,
§ 35-4.)

Sec. 35-5. Cutting off service for nonpayment of bills.

The director of finance shall have the right to disconnect and
cease furnishing water to any consumer who is delinquent in the
payment of his account after the fifteenth day subsequent to the
rendering of a statement. (Code 1959, § 35-5.)

Sec. 35-6. Charge for connecting after water cut off for

For turning water on again after it has been cut off for
nonpayment of a bill, there shall be a charge of two dollars,
payable in advance. (Code 1959, § 35-6; 12-31-73, § 1.)

Sec. 35-7. Complaints against water bills; testing meters.

A complaint against a water bill shall not be taken as a proper
excuse for the complainant not paying such bill when due, nor
exempt him from the imposition of penalties for failure to pay his
bill at the proper time.

On request of the consumer, the city shall cause the water
meter to be tested, and if the meter is found inaccurate, exceeding
two per cent, the meter shall be replaced at the expense of the
city. If the meter is found to be accurate within two per cent, the
consumer shall pay five dollars for this service. (Code 1959, § 35-7;
12-31-73, § 1.)


Page 545

Sec. 35-8. Authority to furnish to consumers outside city;
connecting charge; contract.

No city water shall be furnished to any person outside of the
city, other than those now being supplied, unless the same shall
be authorized by the city council; except, that in outside areas
where city water mains have been extended, with the approval of
the city council, the city manager may grant a county connection
without further authorization from the city council.

Each new consumer outside the city shall pay a connection
charge of two hundred thirty-five dollars in advance for a
five-eighths inch water meter; if the applicant desires a larger
service and meter than the foregoing, he shall be furnished an
estimate of the cost of providing such service, and shall execute
such water contract as may be required by the city manager.
(Code 1959, § 35-8; 1-3-61; 4-19-71; 12-31-73, § 1.)

Sec. 35-9. Unauthorized persons turning water on or off, etc.

No person, other than a regular licensed plumber or his
authorized agent, acting under authority of sections 22-1 to 22-55,
or one of the city's authorized personnel, while acting in his
official capacity, shall turn off or on or cause to be turned off or
on the city water at the curb stopcock box or meter box or remove
or replace a water meter or connect the city water with the house
service after a meter has been removed or make any connection
around a meter or otherwise change any portion of the city's
water system. (Code 1959, § 35-9; 7-15-63.)

Sec. 35-10. Opening fire hydrants.

Fire hydrants shall not be opened without the written consent
of the city manager, except for use in extinguishing fires. (Code
1959, § 35-10.)

Sec. 35-11. Steam boilers taking water directly from service

Steam boilers taking a supply of water directly from the
service pipe, depending upon the hydraulic or hydrostatic
pressure in the pipe system in the waterworks for supplying


Page 546
such boilers under pressure, are required to have tanks
erected that will contain an ample supply of water for
supplying such boilers for at least ten hours, in case the water
is cut off for necessary repairs or extensions, and the city shall
not be responsible for any accidents or damages resulting from
such necessary discontinuance of water supply. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 35-12. Classification of premises; consumer may have
more than one connection and meter.

For the purpose of supplying city water, each premises shall be
placed in one or more of the following classes:

First. A building under one roof and occupied as one residence,
business or manufacture.

Second. A combination of buildings in one common enclosure
and occupied by one family, business or manufacture.

Third. A tenement or apartment house.

Fourth. A building of one or more apartments or offices or

Fifth. A vacant lot or tract of land.

The owner of premises within each such class shall constitute a
water consumer for which a minimumm charge will be made. If an
owner elects so to do, he may have more than one connection and
one meter, for each of which a minimum charge shall be made.
(Code 1959, § 35-12.)

Sec. 35-13. Obstructing access to meters.

No person shall in any manner obstruct the free access to any
water meter. (Code 1959, § 35-13.)

Sec. 35-14. Taps on raw water line.

No taps shall be made on the raw water line for consumers.
(Code 1959, § 35-14.)

Sec. 35-15. Wrongful connections.

No person shall introduce, from the city waterworks, water


Page 546.1
upon any premises except as provided in this chapter. (Code 1959,
§ 35-15.)

Sec. 35-16. Use of water from another's premises.

No occupant of any premises upon which water has been
introduced shall permit water to be used, taken or received

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Page 547
by any person other than the occupant or members of his
family or visitors, except as provided in this chapter, and the
person so using, carrying or receiving the water from such
premises shall be equally responsible for violations of this
section; provided, that this shall not be construed so as to
prevent any person who has contracted for water on his own
premises, and whose fixtures are out of order, from obtaining
water from some other person, with the consent of the person
occupying such premises. (Code 1959, § 35-16.)

Sec. 35-17. Defacing or injuring waterworks, obstructing fixtures,
wasting water, etc.

No person shall deface or injure any fixtures connected
with or pertaining to the waterworks, place any building
material, rubbish or other matter upon the stopcock of any
street main or service pipe, obstruct access to any fixture
connected with the waterworks, open any pipe, fire hydrant
or cock, so as to waste water, or use city water for a purpose
for which he has neither paid nor contracted. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 35-18. Right of access to premises supplied with water.

Every person occupying any lot or tenement into which
water is conveyed under this chapter shall permit any authorized
agent of the city to enter such lot or tenement, at
reasonable hours, to inspect the works therein or to see if the
provisions of the law have been violated. (Code 1959, § 3518.)

Sec. 35-19. Inspection, maintenance and use of pipe lines laid
by property owners.

Before the city furnishes water through pipe lines laid by
property owners, such private lines, including the size, location
and construction, shall be inspected and approved by the
city manager or his authorized representative. Whenever
the city furnishes water through any privately laid pipe lines,
the city shall maintain such lines so long as it furnishes water
through them. In consideration of such maintenance, the city
shall have the right to connect with and furnish water to
such additional consumers through such lines as the city may


Page 548
determine, without any charge being made by the owners
of the lines to the city or to the owners of any property connected
therewith. (Code 1959, § 35-19.)

Sec. 35-20. Covering and location of service lines to houses.

All water service lines to houses shall be installed in the
ground with a minimum of eighteen inches of earth covering
and shall in no case be installed nearer than five feet at any
point to a sewer service line. (Code 1959, § 35-20.)

Sec. 35-21. Air conditioning or refrigeration systems.

No individual or collective air conditioning or refrigeration
system which is installed, replaced or enlarged after April 21,
1958, and receives its water supply from the city water department,
shall be permitted to use at any time more than
the equivalent of a continuous flow of seven gallons of water
per minute. All individual or collective air conditioning and
refrigeration systems installed, replaced or enlarged after
April 21, 1958, and using water from the city water department
in excess of seven gallons per minute shall be equipped
with a water-conserving device, such as an economizer,
evaporative condenser, water cooling tower or other similar
apparatus, which conserving device shall not consume for
makeup purposes in excess of fifteen per cent of the consumption
that would normally be used without such device.

In order to enforce the provisions of this section, any authorized
personnel of the city shall have the right of entry
upon any premises affected hereby for the purpose of inspecting
any such air conditioning or refrigeration system. (Code
1959, § 35-21.)


For statute relative to referendum before use of fluorine, etc., in public water
system, see Acts 1956, c. 457. For state law as to public water supply
generally, see Code of Va., §§ 62.1-45 et seq.

For charter provisions in regard to city's authority to erect and maintain
waterworks, see Char., §§ 14, 46. As to authority of city to prohibit the pollution of
city water, see Char., § 14. As to referendum prior to use of fluorine, etc., in city
water, see Char., § 14-b. As to sale of city waterworks, see Char., § 28.

As to general supervision of waterworks by city manager, see § 2-75 of this
Code. As to director of finance's duties as to water bills, see § 2-118. As to
improvements in subdivisions prior to installation of water, see § 8-6. As to
installation and operation of steam boilers generally, see § 11-2. As to utility
taxes, see §§ 11.1-5 to 11.1-12. As to water supply in food establishments, see § 1318.
As to condemnation of wells and springs, see § 15-16. As to keeping running
water clean, free and unobstructed, see § 15-19. As to stagnant water, see § 15-19.
As to discharge of water into streets, etc., see § 15-20. As to fluoridation of city
water, see § 15-6. As to filling or covering unused wells, see § 19-87. As to
plumbing, sewers and sewage disposal, see ch. 22.1. As to exposing water pipes in
grading, repaving, etc., of streets and sidewalks, see § 30-20. As to permitting
water to drain across sidewalk from lot, gutters or spouts, see § 30-27. As to
reporting to fire department openings in streets for laying or repairing water
pipes, see § 30-52. As to water connections for trailer courts, see § 33-5. As to water
supply at trailer courts, see § 33-6.