University of Virginia Library


To Dr Gibbons.

Let Gibbons Live, long let Great Gibbons Live,
Possest of Health, which he so well can give.
Such strength to sinking Patients you restore,
Scarce Nature's Hand in bounteous Birth gave more.
In Sickness plung'd, like Divers in the Main,
We bring up Health, when we appear again;
Health is the Gemm, which by your Art we find,
Firm in the Body set, and glitt'ring in the Mind.
O Gibbons! Whilst thy Name inspires my Muse,
Thou dost fresh Vigour in her flights infuse.
With Joy she soars to Sing her Patron's praise,
And stretch those Wings, which only you could raise.
Thou gav'st her Life, and whilst she sings thy Name,
Thou giv'st to her, as she to others, Fame.
Fame she returns, given by the Justest Law,
For thou draw'st Fame from every Breath I draw.
What can I give, my gratitude to show?
My Thanks? my Thanks are Poor, my self I owe.
Gen'rous like Heav'n, our Vital heat you give,
And in return, would'st only that we live.


Such is your care for all your Patients shown,
As if from others Health you drew your own.
O would our God, the Radiant Phæbus shine,
And bless my skill, as he has Cherish'd thine.
Then should thy Art be in my Song Renown'd,
And Verse and Physick should at once be Crown'd.
Then might I Sing the vigour you impart,
But artless Verse can never reach thy Art.
From thee the darkest Black distempers run,
As Shades and Phantoms from the mounting Sun.
Thy Power whole Legions of Diseases fly,
You Cure the Sick, and make the Sickness die.
Nature to thee does all her secrets show,
And all her secrets are improv'd by you.
New Life, new force to Nature you impart,
And Nature's self we find reviv'd by Art.
Wisely to you her choicest seeds she gives,
Nature, who grants all Life, thro' Gibbons Lives.
In vain the Poet boasts Immortal Pow'rs,
Life is Heaven's gift, 'tis only Heaven's, and Yours.