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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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[Breath you now, while Io Hymen]

Breath you now, while Io Hymen
To the Bride we sing:
O how many joyes, and honors,
From this match will spring!
Ever firme the league will prove,
Where only goodnesse causeth love.
Some for profit seeke
What their fancies most disleeke:
These love for vertues sake alone:
Beautie and youth unite them both in one.
Live with thy Bridegroome happy, sacred Bride;
How blest is he that is for love envi'd.

The Maskers second dance.
Breath againe, while we with musicke
Fill the emptie space:
O but do not in your dances
Your selves only grace.
Ev'ry one fetch out your Pheare,
Whom chiefely you will honor heere.
Sights most pleasure breed,
When their numbers most exceed:
Chuse then, for choice to all is free;
Taken or left, none discontent must bee.