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Years ago, years ago,
Years that seem to me like days,
Through the Indian summer haze,
Barberrying, barberrying,
I went once with sisters three,
Faith, and Hope, and Charity.


Country girls, neighbors mine,
From the red house by the mill;
Through the lane, across the hill,
Barberrying, barberrying,
Up the steep woods by the sea,
We went rambling pleasantly.
Winding on, climbing on,
Wandered Hope through brake and bush;
Faith's low singing charmed the hush;
Barberrying, barberrying,
Under oak and maple tree,
Still and sweet walked Charity.
Gay were Hope's starry eyes
As the sparkling Pleiads seven;
Faith's were blue as bluest heaven;
Barberrying, barberrying,
As we walked, I could not see
Downcast orbs of Charity.
Up the hill, far we strayed;
Thickets of the red fruit glowed,
Veiling gracefully the road;
Barberrying, barberrying,
Over loose walls clambered we,
Happy as we well could be.
Apron-full, baskets-full,
Gathered Charity and I;
Faith and Hope went laughing by,
Barberrying, barberrying;
While beneath a reddening tree,
We sat resting silently.
Golden-rod, asters dim,
Lit the steps of Faith and Hope
Up the pathless rocky slope;
Barberrying, barberrying,
Glimpses of the far-off sea
Came to Charity and me.
Up the hill, o'er the hill,
Like two blown leaves of a flower,
Fluttered they, a light half hour,
Barberrying, barberrying:
Said I, “Climb life's hill with me;
Climb and rest, sweet Charity!”
Did they move, parted lips,
Red as ripest of our spoil?
Since that day of mirth and toil,


Barberrying, barberrying,
Dearest of the sisters three,
Charity abides with me.