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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Division 4. Clerk of the Council.[29]

Sec. 2-64. Election; duties generally.[30]

The city council shall elect a clerk, whose duty it shall be to
attend every meeting of the city council and keep an accurate
record of its proceedings. The clerk of the council shall file
and preserve all written opinions furnished by the city attorney
to the city council or its committees, a copy of every contract
entered into by the city and such other papers and books


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as may come into his hands as clerk. He shall also supervise
the printing of all official reports and ordinances that may
be ordered by the city council to be printed and generally perform
all such duties as properly appertain to his office or may
hereafter be required of him by the city council. (Code 1959,
§ 2-64.)


For charter provision authorizing appointment of clerks, see Char.,
§ 12.

Sec. 2-65. Keeping of books and documents; inspection and

The clerk of the council shall keep a journal of its proceedings
and all resolutions and permanent contracts which shall
be spread therein except as otherwise provided. He shall also
keep a separate book termed "The General Ordinance Book,"
in which shall be recorded all ordinances and resolutions of a
general and permanent character, properly indexed and open
to public inspection. All matter spread upon the journal and
ordinance book shall be inspected by the city attorney before
the same is signed by the presiding officer. Other documents
or papers in possession of the clerk of the council which may
affect the interest of the city shall not, without special order
of the city council, its president or vice-president, be exhibited
nor copies thereof furnished to other persons than the committees
or city officials entitled thereto. (Code 1959, § 2-65.)


For charter provisions in regard to the keeping of a journal and
general ordinance book, see Char., § 12.

Sec. 2-66. Furnishing officers with ordinances and resolutions;
notifying certain persons of action by

The clerk of the council shall, within forty-eight hours
after each session of the city council, furnish the officers or
heads of departments of the city a copy of every ordinance or
resolution specially pertaining to their respective departments;
provided, that copies of all ordinances making appropriations
or authorizing the payment of money shall be
furnished to the director of finance within twenty-four hours
after their passage. The clerk of the council shall notify persons
who have presented petitions or communications to the


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city council, of the final action of that body in regard thereto,
within forty-eight hours after such action. He shall also notify
all persons elected to any office by the city council, of such
election. (Code 1959, § 2-66.)

Sec. 2-67. Calendar of petitions, etc., presented to council.

The clerk of the council shall keep a calendar of petitions
and other papers presented to the council, as provided by section
2-46. (Code 1959, § 2-67.)

Sec. 2-68. Keeping minute book and ordinance book.[32]

The clerk of the council shall enter upon the minute book
the introduction and passage of every ordinance and shall
spread upon the book of ordinances all duly adopted ordinances.
In all cases of repeal, amendment or re-enactment,
the clerk shall make notation on the ordinance book showing
cross references to the pages on which both the old and new
law is spread. (Code 1959, § 2-68.)


For charter provision in regard to the keeping of a journal and
general ordinance book, see Char., § 12.

Sec. 2-69. Publication of synopsis of budget and notice of

The clerk of the council shall cause to be published a synopsis
of the annual budget and notice of public hearings thereon
as provided by section 19 of the Charter. (Code 1959, § 2-69.)


As to clerk of the council as custodian of corporate seal, see § 1-10
of this Code. As to affixing and attesting city seal upon instruments,
see § 1-11. As to bond required of clerk of the council, see § 2-186.