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Bacteriology C1: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Lectures, conferences and
laboratory work 12 hours weekly during the third term.
The object of this
course is to acquaint the student with the microörganisms which are of importance
to man and his environment, the methods used in their study and identification.
The fundamentals of infection and immunity are taught. The student learns the
common procedures used in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease. So
far as practicable the material studied is obtained from the environment, from
the body surfaces and excretions of normal individuals, and from the body surfaces,
excretions, secretions and exudates of the persons with various common
pathological conditions. The student is thus introduced to the etiology of infectious
disease and some of the factors involved in resistance. Through a consideration
of selected bacteriologic and immunologic studies the basis is laid for the later
study of epidemiology and preventive medicine.

Dr. Maxcy and Dr. Kang.

Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology C1: Biology B1 prerequisite.—
2 hours weekly during the first two terms and 1 hour weekly during the third term.

A series of lectures on the epidemiology of the infectious diseases, the present
status of knowledge of the causes, modes of transmission and means of prevention.
Emphasis is placed upon the immunological and environmental factors concerned.
Considering disease as a community problem the functions of various official and
voluntary public health agencies set up to control preventable illness are discussed
in their relationship to the private practitioner. Instruction is given in
the elements of statistical and epidemiological technique.

Dr. Maxcy and Dr. McQuade.

Immunology D1: Bacteriology C1 prerequisite.—This course is designed to
amplify the introduction to immunology given in the regular course in Bacteriology
during the first year. During the third and fourth years the student has become
acquainted with clinical medicine. It is desirable to review the factors concerned
in resistance to infection and the scientific background for the treatment of infectious
diseases. By means of conferences and laboratory assignments the student is given
an opportunity to perform and observe some of the characteristic phenomena in
test tube and in the experimental animal. Special attention is given to those
biologic reactions which are of value in the diagnosis or treatment of disease such


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as the Wassermann reaction, the Kahn reaction, agglutination technique, standardization
of antitoxic sera, etc.

Dr. Maxcy.