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William Joseph Baldwin, the father of Wilson Baldwin,
was a son of Thomas Baldwin, one of the oldest
settlers of Bent Mountain. In his early manhood he
married Eliza F. Hayes, the daughter of Dr. Hayes,
of Back Creek; to them the following children were

Alice, who married J. B. Willett, and resides at
Poages Mill; Flora Belle, who married Samuel H.
Willett, and resides on Bent Mountain; Wilson, who
resides near Bent Mountain Post Office; Virginia Tilden,
who married Nathan D. Gregory, deceased, and
again Dr. Robert L. Kerns, of Richmond, Virginia;
Madison S., who married Eula M. Hilton, of Franklin
County; Amanda, who married Thomas H. Wilson,
of Richmond, Virginia; Charles T., who married Rosa
Ferguson, and resides at the home place on Bent
Mountain with his mother, Eliza Frances Baldwin.
Joseph Baldwin died the 23d day of October, 1905.

A high compliment was recently paid the late
William Joseph Baldwin by a high officer of his military
company, when he said that "no braver soldier
ever shouldered a musket or carried a knapsack."