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[The power to bless my house]


To—“Father, our hearts we lift.”

The power to bless my house
Belongs to God alone:
Yet rendering Him my constant vows,
I bring His blessing down:
When two or three are met
In Jesus' name to pray,
He doth our cancell'd sins forget,
And turns His wrath away.
Shall I not then engage
My house to serve the Lord,
To search the soul-converting page,
And feed upon His word;
To ask with faith and hope
The grace His Spirit supplies,
In prayer and praise to offer up
Their daily sacrifice?


Merciful God, on me
The resolute mind bestow,
On all my favour'd family,
In David's steps to go:
Let each his sin eschew
Through Thy restraining grace,
Our father Abraham's steps pursue,
And walk in all Thy ways.
Saviour of men, incline
The hearts which Thou hast made,
Which Thou hast bought with blood Divine,
To ask Thy promised aid:
Me and my house receive,
Thy family to' increase,
And let us in Thy favour live,
And let us die in peace.