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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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518. Parable 14. Of the Ten Virgins. Matt. xxv.


Ten virgins, at the city gate,
While fast the dews of evening fall,
To meet the coming bridegroom, wait,
And now deep sleep o'erpowers them all!


While each her vigilance suspends,
And yields to slumber, soft, and sweet,
Behold! the startling cry ascends,
“The bridegroom comes! Go forth to meet!”


Five virgins of the ten were wise,
And five, the name of folly bore!
The wise, with self-reproach, arise,
And trim their lamps, with oil in store!


The foolish, in amaze, thus plead,
“This is the hour that tries the friend!
“Our lamps are out, and oil we need,
“Regard our prayer! Oh! give, or lend!”


“Not so,” the wiser answer make,
“With none to spare, we must deny;
“Lest you the bridegroom's anger wake,
“Hasten, without delay, and buy!”


The foolish, with the bridegroom near,
Inquire for oil, with dread increas'd;
He comes; he calls: the wise appear,
And enter to the marriage feast.


The door is shut! What noise is there?
Tumult extending more and more!
The knock is heard! the earnest prayer!
“Open, O Lord! thy friends implore!”



The bridegroom gives the answer dread,
“You in this banquet have no part;
“Your time is past! your hour is fled!
“Strangers! I know you not! Depart!”


What import deep, those words contain!
Heard through all worlds, “The door is shut!”
What unimagin'd pangs and pain,
In that repulse, “I know you not!”


At midnight, should the shout be heard,
“Prepare your lamps! your wedding dress!
“Go, instant, forth to meet your Lord!”
When we, nor robe, nor oil, possess!


Oh! should our final foe appear
When we in heedless slumbers lie!
Death, and eternity, draw near,
And clouds, and darkness, veil our sky!


To be, like chaff, expell'd from earth!
Doom'd to desertion and despair!
To hear, “I know you not! go forth,
The anger of a God to bear!”


Father! most merciful! we plead
The blood which Christ, thy Son, hath shed!
Oh! hear us in our hour of need!
To thine own refuge we have fled!


May all our lamps be trimm'd, and shine,
While we await the bridegroom's cry;
Grace in our hearts, that oil divine!
Which, whoso hath, shall never die!