University of Virginia Library



Living and loved and delicate and lowly,
Rich in all blessing that thy God can send,
Take yet a gift, the simple and the holy
Gift of the faith and honour of a friend.
Sweet were the woods thro' which we went together,—
Gladly thou wentest and one glad with thee,—
Drowned in the glow and glory of the weather,
Kissed with the breath of summer and the sea.
There the great home, above the shadows sleeping,
Rises and reddens in the sunset-fires,
There the brave saint, a warrior-vigil keeping,
Crowns with his crest the forest of the spires.
Often the moon above the moorland gleaming
Lovely and silent on the mere shall shine,


Oft shall the sweet air thro' the twilight streaming
Moan in the sombre spaces of the pine.
Oh from the hush and dying of the splendour
Take thou a patience and a comfort then!
Oh let thine eyes be satisfied and tender,
Knowing the common brotherhood of men!
Children of God! and each as he is straying
Lights on his fellow with a soft surprise,
Hearkens, perchance, the whisper of his praying,
Catches the human answer of his eyes.
Then having met they speak and they remember
All are one family, their sire is one,
Cheers them with June and slays them with December,
Portions to each the shadow and the sun.
Therefore His children hold to one another,
Speak of a hope and tarry till the end,
Strong in the bond of sister and of brother,
Safe in the fellowship of friend and friend.