University of Virginia Library


Giles Scroggins courted Molly Brown,
Fol de riddle lol, fol de riddle lido!
The fairest wench in all the town,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
He bought a ring, with posey true,
“If you loves I as I loves you,
No knife can cut our love in two.”
Fol de riddle lol, &c.


But scissars cut as well as knives,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
And quite uncertain's all our lives,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
The day they were to have been wed,
Fate's scissars cut poor Giles's thread,
So they could not be mar-ri-ed,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
Poor Molly laid her down to weep,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
And cri'd herself quite fast asleep,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
When standing all by the bed's post,
A figure tall her sight engross'd,
And it cri'd, “I beez Giles Scroggins' ghost!”
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
The ghost, it said, all solemnly,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
“O, Molly, you must go with I!
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
All to the grave your love to cool,”—
Says she, “I am not dead, you fool!”
Says the ghost, says he, “That's no rule.”
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
The ghost he seiz'd her, all so grim,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
All for to go along with him,
Fol de riddle lol, &c.
“Come, come,” said he, “'ere morning beam,”
“I von't,” said she, and she scream'd a scream,
Then she woke, and found she'd dreamt a dream.
Fol de riddle lol, &c.