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Of the death of master Deuerox the lord Ferres sonne.

Who iustly may reioyce in ought vnder the skye?
As life, or lands: as frends, or frutes: which only liue to dye.
Or who dothe not well know all worldly works are vaine?
And geueth nought but to the lendes, to take the same againe.
For though it lift some vp: as wee long vpward all:
Such is the sort of slipper welth: all things do rise to fall.
Thuncertentie is such: experience teacheth so:
That what things men do couet most, them sonest they forgo.
Lo Deuorox where he lieth: whose life men heeld so deare
That now his death is sorowed so, that pitie it is to heare.
His birth of auncient blood: his parents of great fame:
And yet in vertue farre before the formost of the same.
His king, and countrye bothe he serued to so great gaine:
That with the Brutes record doth rest, and euer shall remaine.
No man in warre so mete, an enterprise to take:
No man in peace that pleasurd more of enmies frends to make.
A Cato for his counsell: his head was surely such.
Ne Theseus frenship was so great, but Deuoror was as much.
A graffe of so small grothe so much good frute to bring:
Is seldome heard, or neuer sene: it is so rare a thing.
A man sent vs from God, his life did well declare:
And now sent for by god again, to teach vs what we are.
Death, and the graue, that shall accompany all that liue,
Hath brought hī heuē, though sōewhat sone, which life could neuer geue
God graunt well all, that shall professe as he profest:
To liue so well, to dye no worse: and send his soule good rest.