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“I went and washed, and I received sight.”—New York Evening Post.

“I went and washed, and I received sight.”—New York Evening Post.

When the great Master spoke,
He touched his withered eyes,
And, at one gleam, upon him broke
The glad earth and the skies.
And he saw the city's walls,
And king's and prophet's tomb,
And arches proud, and vaulted halls,
And the temple's lofty dome.
He looked on the river's flood,
And the flash of mountain rills,
And the gentle wave of the palms, that stood
Upon Judea's hills.
He saw, on heights and plains,
Creatures of every race;
But a mighty thrill ran through his veins
When he met the human face.
And his virgin sight beheld
The ruddy glow of even,
And the thousand shining orbs that filled
The azure depths of heaven.
And woman's voice before
Had cheered his gloomy nigh,
But to see the angel form she wore
Made deeper the delight.
And his heart, at daylight's close,
For the bright world where he trod,
And when the yellow morning rose,
Gave speechless thanks to God.