The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
The Argument.
Whan Dauid skapt: much wo on kyndeThus thanks to God he dyd extende
So taughte by proofe he vowed in mynde,
That he of God would styll depende.
As he entendth.
I wyll O Lord: gene thankes to thee,My hart therto: doth wholy bende:
Before the powrs: as Gods they bee,
So sing I will: my voyce to spend.
Els God forfend.
I kneele to thy: right regal cell,To prayse thy name for truth and loue:
Thy word and name: thou madst excell,
Aboue all thinges: the deede doth proue.
As men expende.
For this I sawe: what day I cryed,Thou answerdst me: most louingly:
To my poore soule: thou lentst I spyed,
More grace, so strength: to multiply.
Thus didst thou lende.
All kings of earth: prayse thee they must,O Lord most true: as right allowth
When they shall here: performed iust,
Thy word to me: which spake thy mouth.
They will contende.
Loe they shall sing: with harts most free,Of all the Lords: most rightful wayes:
That great is God: in maiesty,
So they his name: shall euer prayse
and thanks repend.
And that the Lord: though placed hye,Who glory hath: as God aboue:
Yet he the meke: respecth full nye,
And knowth the proud: from far aloofe.
him low to bend.
What though I walke: in midst of woeYet wilt thou me: reuiue and ease:
And stey by power: myne Irefull foe,
Thy right hand strong: shall me release.
Thy helpe to send.
The Lord shall this: performe for me,That is begon: to bringe to ende.
Thy grace benigne: Lord aye shalbe,
Thy handy woorke: thou wilt not blende.
But still defend.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||