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When, o'er her dying child, we hear
The hopeless mother sigh;
“There is a better world,” we sob;
“Can such affection die?”
Perhaps it can—for wolves and worms
Have their affections too;
And passion sometimes loves the false
Even better than the true.
But Taste, in its infinity,
Its beauty, and its might,
Walks thro' the beams of common day
In robes of heavenly light:


A spirit—ay, a deathless Eve,
To man's pure bosom given:
They meet—earth's Eden is not lost!
They part—to meet in Heaven!
What power like that which turns to bliss
The mournful and the dull,
And from the dust beneath our feet
Calls up the beautiful,
Can bid the hopes of frailty soar,
Undying life, to thee?
Pride dies with man; but Taste predicts
His immortality.