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Where shall I lay my weary head?
Where shall I hide me from my shame?
From all I feel, and all I dread,
And all I have, and all I am!
Swift to outstrip the stormy wind,
And leave this cursed self behind.
O the intolerable load
Of nature, waken'd to pursue
The footsteps of a distant God,
Till faith hath form'd the soul anew!
'Tis death, 'tis more than death to bear—
I cannot live, till God is here.


Give me Thy wings, celestial Dove,
And help me from myself to fly;
Then shall my soul far off remove,
The tempest's idle rage defy,
From sin, from sorrow, and from strife
Escaped, and hid in Christ, my Life.
Stranger on earth, I sojourn here:
Yet, O, on earth I cannot rest,
Till Thou, my hidden Life, appear,
And sweetly take me to Thy breast:
To Thee my wishes all aspire,
And sighs for Thee my whole desire.
Search and try out my panting heart:
Surely, my Lord, it pants for Thee,
Jealous lest earth should claim a part:
Thine, wholly Thine, I gasp to be.
Thou know'st 'tis all I live to prove;
Thou know'st I only want Thy love.