University of Virginia Library

Sweet, flye not, said the King; I come in Love,
Not harmful way: Next part Salute did prove.
Fond, Amorous Mardiva (strangely Try'd)
She look'd not for so great a Guest, reply'd:
Amazement seiz'd the King conjoyn'd again,
That Guest your Lover's found withal, restrain
Those wandring Thoughts; two Kisses more conferr'd:
Went farther on, whilst Silent she appeared.
At Tilting late, Mardiva fair (said he)
Whilst others broke their staves with Gallantry,
Your Eyes Encounter'd mine; Dart beam from thence
Struck through my heart. Great Sir (she said) th' Offence
Was to my thoughts unknown, these harmless Eyes
Not Guilty of that Treasonous Charge, Surprize.