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The Story of England

by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338. Edited from mss. at Lambeth Palace and the Inner Temple, by Frederick J. Furnivall

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De Rege Graciano Romano.

Þys tydyng com to Gracian,
How Valentyn slow Maxymian;
& saw he was here cheuentayne,
& dide hym coroune kyng of Bretayne,
And bar hym heye as a Tyraunt,
ffor þis was his custume & his haunt,
Pouere men to do þem wo;
Out of þer right he put þem fro,
& ful manye of þeym he slow;
Þe riche he louede wel ynow.
What dide þe mene folk & þe pedaille?
Samned þem a gret bataille;
To pryue conseille þey gon þem renge,


On Gracian þey wolde hem venge.
Þey byseded hym sodeynly,
& token hym syþen par maistri,
& his body al to-hewe,
Þe peces vntil houndes þrewe.
Þe Romayns þat were wyþ him comen,
Smertly a-geyn to Rome þey nomen.