University of Virginia Library


Epig. 27. On Mr. Websters most excellent Tragedy, Called the White Devill.

VVee will no more admire Euripides,
Nor praise the Tragick streines of Sophocles,
For why? thou in this Tragedie hast fram'd
All reall worth, that can in them be nam'd:
How lively are thy persons fitted, and
How pretty are thy lines, thy Verses stand
Like unto pretious Jewels set in gold,
And grace thy fluent Prose; I once was told
By one well skil'd in Arts, he thought thy Play
Was onely worthy Fame to beare away
From all before it, Brachianos Ill,
Murthering his Dutchesse, hath by thy rare skill
Made him renown'd, Flamineo such another,
The Devils darling, Murtherer of his brother:


His part most strange, (given him to Act by thee)
Doth gaine him Credit, and not Calumnie:
Vittoria Corombona, that fam'd Whore,
Desp'rate Lodovico weltring in his gore,
Subtile Francisco, all of them shall bee
Gaz'd at as Comets by Posteritie:
And thou meane time with never withering Bayes,
Shalt Crowned bee by all that read thy Layes.