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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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October 20th. 1805 Sunday.

A very cold morning wind S W. about 100 Indians come
over this morning to see us, after a smoke, a brackfast on Dogs
flesh we set out, [There are] about 350 men [of these Indians.]

West  miles to a Std bend Head of a rapid passed the Island at 1
mile 3 Indn Lodges on Lard.
S. 20°. W.  10  miles passed rockey bad rapid on the Stard a chain of
rocks from the Std several small Isd. on the Lard. good
water. passed an Indian fishing camp of 4 Lodges
deserted, fish hanging on scaffels (saw great numbers
of Pelicans & comerants, black) To a Lard. Bend
opsd a large Isd. on the Stard. Side
S. 60° W.  miles to the commencement of a high countrey on the
Stard. Side, passed 3 Islands nearly opposit, 2 furst on
the Stard. Side Indians encamped on each Island. we
came to at some camps on the lower point of the 1st. &
dined. purchased a fiew indifferent fish & some berries
examined a vault &c. &.c passed 4 Lodges on a
Island near the Stard. side opsd. a bad rapid at the lower
point of the Island
S. W.  18  miles to a Point of high land in the Std. bend Passed a
large Island in the middle of the R at 8 miles one
on the Lard. & one on the Stard. below both small,
one other imedeately below in the middle, passed a 
42  Lard. point at 10 miles high uneavin lands on the
Stard. low and leavil on the Lard. Side
Passed 5 Islands small on the Stard. Side and 5 on the
Lard. Side a small one in the middle of the river at
16 miles. The land is higher on the Lard. side
passed a small riffle at the head of the 12 Islands in
this day 

Killed 2 large speckle guls 4 Duck in malade [mallard]
small ducks the flavour of which much resembles the canvis
back. no timber of any kind on the river, we saw in the
last Lodges acorns of the white oake which the Inds. inform
they precure above the falls. The men are badly dressed,
some have scarlet & blue cloth robes. one has a salors jacket,
The women have a short indiferent shirt, a short robe of Deer

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Map from Clark Field-book, showing Course and Camping place,
October 20, 1805.

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or Goat skin, & a small skin which they fasten tite around
their bodies & fasten between the legs to hide the [blank space
in MS.]