University of Virginia Library


An antechamber.
Enter Carlos and Friar by opposite sides.
Good morning, father! you are early here.
Whom come you to confess?

I have already been with the poor prisoner.

And thou hast heard, no doubt, the horrid truth
Which he denies to every one besides?

I've heard all he confesses.

Ay; what strange tales, what secret horrid things,
In thy long course of ghostly ministry,
Have in thine ear been pour'd! By this good hand,
But that I did prefer the jointed mail
And weapon's stroke to haircloth and the scourge,
The roar of battle to the chaunting choir,
I had become a friar, to learn, like thee,
All those dark mysteries of human nature,
To which thy mind is conscious.

Gentle son!
Pardon my words; thou talkst in ignorance.
A tale of guilt, wrung from the sinner's soul,
Strikes not the fancy like a winter's tale
Of moonlight witchery, or murder done
I' th' secret chamber. No; a counter sympathy
Doth quell the fancy then. Thou speakst in ignorance.

True, father, this may be. With your permission
I will attend you to the gate.


Not now.
I'm summon'd: Don Henriquez waits for me.

At the confessional?

So I believe; I meet him in the chapel.

I am right glad of this. We marvell'd much
He did not sooner think of ghostly comfort.

I have been summon'd by him once before;
But when I came, capricious in his sorrow,
He would not see me.

Speak comfort to him, and enjoin some penance
For the indulgence of such frantic grief;
So wayward, so excessive. May God bless thee!
[Exit friar.
Here comes our keen and fiery secretary.

Enter Balthazar.
Return'd so soon! And hath the royal ear
Inclin'd to thy petition?
Ay; every cot and castle in the realm
At my command must open gate and hold,
Chamber and bower; e'en the sepulchral vault,
Whose sable scutcheon'd door hath not for years
Upon its hinges jarr'd, must be unlock'd,
And show its secrets to the searching light.
But as I learn you have secured the murderer,
I am content; here ends my brief commission.
I pray you lead me to the prison-house:
I burn to see the wretch.

Come, follow me
