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They came, I know not how or whence,
Those voices fond and fair;
They mingled sweetly with each sense,
And had in all a share.
They spoke of love, they spoke of truth,
Those vanished voices of my youth.
I cared not for companions then,
When I had faith at heart;
I was not lonely, far from men,
In hope's more busy mart.
They gave me back what discord stole,
Those vanished voices of the soul.
I felt that once the world was wide,
And all things set to song;
That hope the winter frosts defied,
And summer was more long.
They sang of destinies more vast,
Those vanished voices of the past.
The angels then came down at times,
And mixed with mortal things;
They made me hear the heavenly chimes,
And drink eternal springs.
They said bright dreams could never die,
Those vanished voices from on high,
They came, and carolled in the morn
Of life's refulgent years;
They came with hopes of wishes born,
And went away in fears.
They left a halo round my head,
Those vanished voices of the dead.
But still when evening lights are low,
And shadows softly fall;
Those dear old innocences grow,
And send sweet shoots through all.
While with a deep ecstatic pain,
Those vanished voices thrill again.
And when the noiseless hours of night,
Have put the world away;
Those wondrous sounds that seem like sight,
The hungering heart allay.
And like the music of a star,
Those vanished voices call from far.


But yet I know that they are gone,
And never can come back;
To lead my steps divinely on,
The old enchanting track.
Still let me dream, if they have flown,
Those vanished voices once my own.
What if they have not taken flight,
But are gone forth to roam;
And will return with richer light,
As birds to roost fly home?
What if when faith has conquered all,
Those vanished voices yet will call?
And when a better wish or thought,
Comes borne on angel wings;
Shall I not find as fondly brought,
The ancient visitings?
Yea, I will murmur to my heart,
Those vanished voices that depart.
Perchance, they may be granted now,
To comfort me once more;
When in some young and yearning vow,
I catch them as before.
From tender breasts that brightly burn,
Those vanished voices will return.
Then I shall live the past again,
In other fairer souls;
And join the jubilant refrain,
That round sweet childhood rolls.
And in its accents calm and clear,
Those vanished voices love will hear.
And with a higher holier tone,
My footsteps will be cheered;
And peace will reign upon the throne,
That faith and love have reared,
And when all other strains are gone,
Those vanished voices will sing on.
So may the evening of my years,
Become a brighter morn;
While from the tender dew of tears,
Will fruitful hopes be born,
Till at the call that Jesu's is,
Those vanished voices mix with His.