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CLX. House of Commons. Draft of an Act for the Freer Liberty of Fishing April 17, 1621
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CLX. House of Commons. Draft of an Act for the Freer Liberty
of Fishing
April 17, 1621

Document in the Archives of the House of Lords, s. d.
List of Records No. 237

An act for the freer libertie of fishing and fishing voyages to be made and
performed in the sea costes and places of Newfoundland Virginia New-
England and other the sea costes and p̱tes of America.

Whereas the trade and voyages of and for fish and fishing in foreigne
Seas Coastes and places now are and from tyme to tyme hertofore allwaies
have been a great meanes of the increase of shipps and shippinge in this
kingdome and of breeding and trayninge up the Subiectes and inhabitantes
of the same in the art and skill of sayling and navigac̄on And allso a
principall nursery of Maryners and Seamen for the service of the Realme
and State uppon necessarie occasions of imployemt And a great meanes
of bringinge in of Bollion and Coyne from forreigne p̱tes into this Realme,
And Wheras by the wisdome and providence of former ages divers good
and beneficiall Lawes and Statutes have hertofore been had and made
for the better incouragemt of so necessarie members of the Com̄on wealth
as are the owners of shipps and shippinge The Adventurers by sea in
such ffishinge voyages The mariners and Seamen usually imploid therin
And others therin depending, And yett nevertheless now of late some
Attemptes have been made to restrayne the generall freedome of the
Subiectes of this Realme touching such fishing and fishing voyages wch
Attemptes are fitt to be suppresed in the begyninge.

Nowe for the further encrease of Shipping and incouragemt of the
owners of shipps the Adventurers by sea in such fishing voyages the
mariners and Sea men usually imploied therein and all others theron
depending to Continue and goe forwarde in their said fishing trade and
fishinge voyages,

And for the better prevenc̃on of all Contenc̃ons and differences wch other-
wise maie or might herafter arise or growe betweene them or any of them


and those his Matis Subiectes or others wch now are planted or inhabiting
or wch herafter shall plant or inhabite in the said p̱tes of the Newfound-
land Virginia or New-England or in anie other foreigne places or Cuntries
beyond the Sea in or uppon the Continent of America or any the Islandes
therof not yet inhabited by anie other subiectes of this kingdome of Eng-
land for or concerninge fitt or Convenient places for fishing and the seeking
for and taking of fishe and fishes of all kindes whatsoever as allso for the
spilting or splitting salting making dryeing and saving of fishe and fishes
of all kindes whatsoever and other Comodities thereof Cominge And
for the doeing and performinge of all things therunto incident or belong-
inge or in respect therof necessarie to be donne or performed either on the
Land or Sea shoare wthin anie the p̱tes and forreigne places aforemenc̃oed,

Be it declared and enacted by the Kinges most Excellent Matie The Ldes
spirituall and temporall and the Com̄ons in this p̢nt p̱lyamt assembled and
by authoritie of the same That it shall and may be lawfull to and for all
and everie the subiectes of our soveraigne Lord the King that now is and of
his hrs and successors dwelling and inhabiting and which herafter shall
dwell and inhabite wthin this kingdome of Englande dominion of Wales
or wthin any other his Maties dominions from tyme to tyme and att all
tymes herafter forever to goe repaire and com̃e into the sea coastes and
places aforesaid and everie of them And freelie there to fishe and to seeke
for and take fishe and fishes of all kindes whatsoever And allso to have
take and inioye priority & election of place & places convenient in order as
they shall respectively there arive for speltinge or splittinge salting making
drying and saving of fish and fishes of all kindes whatsoever and other
com̄odities thereof Com̄inge And allso for the doeing and performing of
all things therunto incident or belonging or in respect therof necessary
to be donne or performed. And allso tymber wood and fuell sufficient
for the repayring of shippes and building of Boates to be used and imploied
in and about such fishing and fishing voyages and for the erectinge making
and repayring of staves And for the supply and maintenance of fyers
and other necessary uses and occasions about fishing and saving of fishe
in and uppon all and everye the sea coastes shoares and p̱tes of Newfound-
land Virginia and New-England and in and uppon all and everye other
the sea coastes shoares and p̱tes of America or any the Islandes therof and


from thence wth their shipps and goodes freely & quietly to retourne wthout
unlawfull molestation stay or restraynt of any person or persons there
inhabiteing or of any other his Maties Subiectes whatsoever.

[Indorsed:] An act for the freer libtie of fishing &c. L 1a martis 17o Apr:
19o Jac. L 2d mercurii 25o Apr: 19o Jac. Com̄itted. Engrossetur.
L 3d 1o Dec. 19o Jac.