University of Virginia Library


[Come, let us join the hosts above]

Come, let us join the hosts above
Now in our youngest days;
Remember our Creator's love,
And lisp our Father's praise.
His majesty will not despise
The day of feeble things;
Grateful the songs of children rise,
And please the King of kings.


We all His kind protection share,
Within His arms we rest;
The sucklings are His tenderest care,
While hanging on the breast.
We praise Him with a stammering tongue,
While under His defence;
He smiles to hear the artless song
Of childish innocence.
He loves to be remember'd thus,
And honour'd for His grace;
Out of the mouth of babes like us
His wisdom perfects praise.
Glory to God, and praise, and power,
Honour and thanks be given;
Children and cherubim adore
The Lord of earth and heaven!