The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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![]() | The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ![]() |
The Rectors.
Confesse and praise: the Lord most kynde:
For God he is: as man doth fynde.
The Quiere.
For euer standth: hys mercy sure:
Hys grace to vs: wyll styll indure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: hys loue so pure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Confesse and prayse: the God of Gods,
Who made vs first: of earthly clods.
The Quiere.
For euer standth: hys mercy sure,
Hys grace to vs: wyll still endure.
The Meane.
So redie bendth: hys loue so pure:
Which wyll in ioy: our hartes assure.
Confesse and prayse: the Lord of Lordes:
Who made all thyng: by strength of wordes.
The Quiere.
For euer standth: hys mercy sure,
Hys grace to vs: will still endure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: his loue so pure,
Who will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Who wrought alone: actes maruelous,
Who formd the heauens: by wisdome thus,
Who stretcht the earth: on fluds from vs.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure:
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Who made great lightes: in firmament,
The sunne for day: in regiment,
The moone and starres: on night to glent.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all thys: in hys good cure:
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Who Egipt smote: with their first borne,
And brought fro thence: the Iewes forlorne.
By mighty strength: both night and morne.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure:
For euer standth his mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure,
Which will in ioyes: our hartes assure.
Who sea so red: dyd whole deuide,
And Iacob made: through it to slide,
But Pharo drownd: his host beside.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure:
For euer standth hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still indure,
Who will in ioyes: our hartes assure.
Who led his flocke: by wildernes,
Who slew great kinges: of Heathennes,
The strongest kings: he put to stresse.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure,
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure:
Who will in ioyes: our hartes assure.
As Seons brags: and Ogs despites,
Of Basan kinges: and Amorites,
Whose landes he made: true Iacobs rightes
The Quiere.
Who dyd all thys: in hys gyod cure:
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
Hys grace to vs: doth still endure,
Who wyll in ioyes: our hartes assure.
Who mynded vs: in trouble set,
And vs redeemd: from them vs fret,
Who heapeth all flesh: with heaped met.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all thys: in hys good cure,
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs doth still endure:
Who will in ioy our hartes assure.
Then prayse and thanke: the God of heauen,
With hart, with tonge, with lyfe most cleane
The Quiere.
For euer standth, hys mercy sure
Hys grace to vs, wyll styll endure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: hys loue so pure,
Which wyll in ioy: our hartes assure.
O thinke and thanke: the Lord of Lordes,
His thoughtes, his actes, hys louely wordes.
The Quiere.
For euer standth his mercy sure,
To thankefull hart, it wyll endure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: hys loue so pure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Confesse and praise: the Lord most kynde:
For God he is: as man doth fynde.
The Quiere.
For euer standth: hys mercy sure:
Hys grace to vs: wyll styll indure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: hys loue so pure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Confesse and prayse: the God of Gods,
Who made vs first: of earthly clods.
The Quiere.
For euer standth: hys mercy sure,
Hys grace to vs: wyll still endure.
The Meane.
So redie bendth: hys loue so pure:
Which wyll in ioy: our hartes assure.
Confesse and prayse: the Lord of Lordes:
Who made all thyng: by strength of wordes.
The Quiere.
For euer standth: hys mercy sure,
Hys grace to vs: will still endure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: his loue so pure,
Who will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Who wrought alone: actes maruelous,
Who formd the heauens: by wisdome thus,
Who stretcht the earth: on fluds from vs.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure:
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Who made great lightes: in firmament,
The sunne for day: in regiment,
The moone and starres: on night to glent.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all thys: in hys good cure:
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
Who Egipt smote: with their first borne,
And brought fro thence: the Iewes forlorne.
By mighty strength: both night and morne.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure:
For euer standth his mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure,
Which will in ioyes: our hartes assure.
Who sea so red: dyd whole deuide,
And Iacob made: through it to slide,
But Pharo drownd: his host beside.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure:
For euer standth hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still indure,
Who will in ioyes: our hartes assure.
Who led his flocke: by wildernes,
Who slew great kinges: of Heathennes,
The strongest kings: he put to stresse.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all this: in hys good cure,
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs: doth still endure:
Who will in ioyes: our hartes assure.
As Seons brags: and Ogs despites,
Of Basan kinges: and Amorites,
Whose landes he made: true Iacobs rightes
The Quiere.
Who dyd all thys: in hys gyod cure:
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
Hys grace to vs: doth still endure,
Who wyll in ioyes: our hartes assure.
Who mynded vs: in trouble set,
And vs redeemd: from them vs fret,
Who heapeth all flesh: with heaped met.
The Quiere.
Who dyd all thys: in hys good cure,
For euer standth: hys mercy sure.
The Meane.
His grace to vs doth still endure:
Who will in ioy our hartes assure.
Then prayse and thanke: the God of heauen,
With hart, with tonge, with lyfe most cleane
The Quiere.
For euer standth, hys mercy sure
Hys grace to vs, wyll styll endure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: hys loue so pure,
Which wyll in ioy: our hartes assure.
O thinke and thanke: the Lord of Lordes,
His thoughtes, his actes, hys louely wordes.
The Quiere.
For euer standth his mercy sure,
To thankefull hart, it wyll endure.
The Meane.
So redy bendth: hys loue so pure:
Which will in ioy: our hartes assure.
![]() | The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ![]() |