University of Virginia Library



Stung with the sharp pang of that evil day,
Too short occasion did all life afford,
If anywise at last he should repay
A white soul to the Lord.
Thenceforth to labour, strong in stedfast zeal
And faithful furtherance of a mighty plan,
In noble language labour to reveal
His Maker unto man:
“I with great violence have entered in,
Storm ye with force the golden gates of heaven:
Oh freed from agony! oh safe from sin!
I also am forgiven!”
Therefore on many a coast his cry was heard,
On many ears that earnest warning broke,
Yea, with his utterance he strangely stirred
The hearts of many folk:
Fast chained he kept them in divine surprise,
Deep things of God he wisely spake and well;
Strange glory on his face, but in his eyes
The memory of Hell.