University of Virginia Library

Especial Exhortation.

“As the benefit is great ------ so is the danger great.” Prayer Book.

Those stars that by the language of their beams
Form living syllables of light,
Whereby we spell in reverential dreams
The name of Godhead on the book of Night,—
Oft as their gem-like radiance gleams on high
Amid the hush which is sublime,
Devotion reads with faith's perusing eye
Lessons which lift her out of space and time.
But, most regen'rate hearts will muse on Him
Who oft beneath some midnight-star
Soar'd beyond earth, and with the seraphim
Knelt round the Throne where God and glory are.


And doubt we not, that in the trance of night
On some calm mountain, still and cold,
The Man of Sorrows by prophetic sight
His mystic Body did in prayer behold,—
Before Whose eyes in perfect outline stood
Myriads unborn, but doom'd to be,
Who in the Church by sacramental food
Feed their true souls on suff'ring Deity.
Oh, blessed thought! whose inspirations fill
A trembling neophyte with joy,
And when he seeks to do the Saviour's will
Kindles bright hopes no shading fears destroy.—
To think that in this very act perchance
When round the Altar first he kneels
And on the symbols darts a dreading glance,
Christ has foreseen what awed emotion feels!
And Thou art there; and at our side to calm
Church of the Lord! by whisper'd love
Each wounded heart that needs the holy balm
Thine intercessions bring from bowers above.
Now while adoring guests of God advance
In heavenward awe and hush'd array,
Spirit of Truth! may thy celestial glance
Beam through the soul and melt all clouds away.
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Whose ransom saved the forfeit soul
When ruin'd nature, by rebellion lost,
Heard dooming thunders of dread vengeance roll,
Let each communicant in Christ uplift
On plumes of prayer the soaring heart;
And God Himself will be that boundless gift
His awful Sacrament will now impart.