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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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Argalus last speech.

My deare Parthenia: Now my glasse is runne;

The Tapours tell me that the Play is done;
My dayes are summ'd; Death seizes on my heart;
Alas! the time is come, and we must part:
Yet by my better hopes; grimme death does bring
No griefe to Argalus, no other sting
But this, that I must leaue thee, euen before
My gratefull actions can crosse the score
Of thy deare merits:
But since it pleases him, whose wisedome still
Disposes all things by his better will,


Depend vpon his goodnesse, and relye
Vpon his pleasure, not inquiring why:
And trust that one day we shall meet, and then
Enioy each other, ne're to part agen:
Meane while liue happy: Let Parthenia make
No doubt, but bessed Argalus shall partake
In all her ioyes on earth, which shall encrease
His ioyes in heauen, and soules eternall Peace.
Loue well the deare remembrance of thy true
And faithfull Argalus; let no thought renew
My last disgrace; thinke not the hand of Fate
Made me vnworthy, though vnfortunate.
And as he spake that word, his lips did vent
A sigh, whose vio'lence had well nigh rent
His heart in twaine; and when a parting kisse
Had giuen him earnest of appoaching blisse,
He snatch his sword into his hand and cryed;
O death! thou art the Conquerour; and dyed.