University of Virginia Library

Epigram. 53. In Medicastrum.

Once, and but once, in my most grieuous sickenesse,
I sought by Physicke to support my weakenesse
And got mee vnto no great learned man,
No Galenist nor Paraculsian:
One that had read an English booke or two,
Yet what durst hee not vndertake to do?
Hee tooke in hand, the Urinall I brought him,
And told me what some Almanacke had taught him
Surueid my water, gaue mee such an answere:
As well I wot show'd but a simple censure:
In fine; I found in him no other matter,
But I to cast my money, hee my water;
And I returned poorer in my purse,
But sicke in body, as before, or worse.