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The later poems of John Clare

1837-1864 ... General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[Some promises are broke as soon as made]

Some promises are broke as soon as made
& silent Love is sweet thats never spoken
The church yard grass looks pleasant where the maid
Looked Love in smiles in Memorys pleasing Token


[I went out wi' Eliza a bonny young lass]

I went out wi' Eliza a bonny young lass
To the church yard & back among the green grass
We toyed on the way while the morning sun shone
& I felt my heart ache when I wanderd alone


[In cant & mystery there lurks a wrong]

In cant & mystery there lurks a wrong
Poisonous as fangs within the Serpents head
The subtlest one to Priest craft does belong
They humbug till the living turn the dead
Hypocricy the highest holds her head
In Pulpit placed with fair & smirking face
With tongues newoiled & hearts as cold as lead
The priests descending into hells embrace
The surplus leaves & shows a harlots face


[My old Lover left me I knew not for why]

My old Lover left me I knew not for why
He left me wi' kisses I parted in tears
After painting my cheeks i' the rosey blooms dye
& swearing my eyes were the gems o' the spheres
My Lover has left me I knew not for why
Two years & three months he has wandered afar
The things that were hisn I've put them all bye
& from the fire corner removed the Arm chair
I once had a sweet heart I knew not for why
But I think I could love all the days o' my life
But he left me one morning like a bird i' th sky
The singing Lark dropt like a stone passing bye


& the cloud rocks o' heaven seemed boiling in Strife
My sweet heart he left me I knew not for why
He's left me alone for two desolate years
The Swallows on holliday wings chitter bye
& my Eyes looking silent keep filling wi' tears
I cant be myself let me do as I will
I think till I'm blind & feel willing to die
But my true Love has left me & there remains still
He kissed me & left me nor do I know why


[O Love is so decieving]

O Love is so decieving
Like bee's it wears a sting
I thought it true believing
But its no such a thing
They smile but to decieve you
They kiss & then they leave you
Speak truth they wont believe you
Their honey wears a Sting
What's the use o' pretty faces
Ruby Lips & cheeks so red
Flowers grows in pleasant places
So does a maidenhead
The fairest wont believe you
The foulest all decieve you
The many laugh & grieve you
Untill your coffin dead



[It was in winter hoar]

It was in winter hoar
When the ground was lost in Snow
When the Robin sought


[O once I loved a pretty girl]

O once I loved a pretty girl
Which caused my heart to ache
With ruby lips & teeth o' pearl
& eyes none could forsake
O she was fair & more then fair
A wild flower of the vale
None in the village could compare
With my sweet Susan Gale
Sweet is the bloom o' the wild brere
That scents the morning dew
& sweet the woodbine flowers appear
That hedges bring to view
Primroses in the old green lane
That scent the evening pale
But there's one flower as sweet again
My own Sweet Susan Gale
O Susan Gale O Susan Gale
How beautifull thou art
Thy face turns many faces pale
& chills through many an heart


The fairest flower in wood & hill
The first in every vale
Is one would turn a saints heart chill
My bonny Susan Gale


[Theres beauty in the summer flower]

Theres beauty in the summer flower
& in the awthorn blossom
Tis sweet to lie at evens hour
Upon a sweet hearts bosom
Tis sweet to lean upon her arm
& loves emotions feel
While walking round the wood & field
With handsome Mary Neal
Young Mary Neal was handsome
& Mary Neal was fair
She was worth a Ladys ransom
With her dark & flowing hair
How fair the flower how soft the wind
Through bushes used to steal
Like woodbine round the thorn entwined
I walked with Mary Neal
How sweet the thorn its tender green
Shot oer the wood side way
Sweet dimples i the brook was seen
I' those sweet showers o' may


When down the green we used to hie
& through the wood ride steal
When I kissed her cheek & praised her eye
Of my own Mary Neal
How beautifull the moon arose
& oer the Barley shone
When I clasped her where the hedge briar grows
Young Mary all my own
At broken vows my heart would die
The thought on't makes me reel
For her I live & love & sigh
My lovely Mary Neal


[How sweet the spring buds are all bursting to leaves]

How sweet the spring buds are all bursting to leaves
How bright shines the Sun i' the morning Sun rise
While the bonny green moss beds showers of amber recieves
More bright then the christal in Phebes bright eyes
Wood anemonies droop on their bosoms o' green
& the primrose it drops by the roots o' white thorn
All pinnered wi' dew like the reek o' the pot


[How beautiful is Sunset eye & breast]

How beautiful is Sunset eye & breast
Is filled with extacys & love & joy
The georgius liverie the glorious west
Is one short glance of heaven from the Sky