University of Virginia Library



Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify ... and present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot ... but ... holy and without blemish.”—Eph. v. 25–27.

O if Christ's church one little day
Put off its earthly dower and dress,
And walked with Him throughout the way
Clothed only in His Righteousness;
If it but took His tender might,
The earth would be all glorious light.
If it just acted as He did
And simply for the briefest time,
Refusing what He would not bid
And hearkening to the Heavenly chime;
The earth would put on Angel powers,
Each road a pathway be of flowers.
If it were quite content to speak
As gently as its Lord in all,
And suffer with the poor and weak
Or languish where the weary fall;
No pain could have a moment's pang,
The earth would on its accents hang.
O if Christ's Church one little day
Remembered even the worst as kin,
Or with the outcast loved to stay
And bind the bleeding wounds of sin;
No evil more might ever grow,
The earth would be God's Heaven below.