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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CXXXIX. 1 Samuel, Chap. XXVI. from Ver. 1. to Ver. 17.
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CXXXIX. 1 Samuel, Chap. XXVI. from Ver. 1. to Ver. 17.

The Ziphites discover David to Saul. He pursues him. Abishai takes his Spear, &c.

Their Treachery the Ziphites now repeat,
To Saul discov'ring David's close Retreat:
With Rage unquenchable the Tyrant rose,
And from his Host three thousand Warriors chose;
With these the Heav'n protected Prince pursu'd,
Tir'd with the Chace, and faint for Thirst of Blood:


He beat the Wild from Morn, till dewy Night
Surpriz'd him there, when from a Mountain's height,
By the Moon's friendly and officious Light,
The Hero his unguarded Camp surveys,
And thus to his attending Worthies says,
Is any here of Heart so firm, that dare
Honour and Danger with his Gen'ral share,
And to yon Camp descend to view the Foes?
With Joy the bold Abishai with him goes;
Swerv'd from the craggy Rocks at length they found
The careless drowsy Guards diffus'd around;
Ev'n faithful Abner slept; they forward press'd
To where the weary King himself did rest:
Fierce was his mien, and threatning as he lay,
His Thoughts recall'd the Labors of the Day.
Close by his Head they saw his knotty Spear
Planted, in Earth, a Cruse of Water near:
When thus Zeruiah's Son—the happy Hour
Is now arriv'd, thy Foe is in thy Pow'r;
This Hand, this Spear shall do the righteous Deed;
A second Stroke the Tyrant shall not need:
In Act to strike, see the fierce Warrior stand!
But gen'rous David stops his lifted Hand:
Forbid it Heav'n! thou shalt not him destroy,
Nor at so dear a Rate wou'd I a Crown enjoy:


The Lord's Anointed's sacred Life forbear!
He shall the common Fate of Mortals share,
Or sink by Heav'ns just Stroke, or fall in War.
Yet take the Spear and Cruse, nor longer stay,
And to our Friends, for us, in Pain, convey!
They went, nor sooner had their Camp regain'd,
Saul's Army still in heavy Sleep detain'd:
When from a distant Mountain David cry'd,
While to his Voice the ecchoing Vales reply'd;
Ho, Abner!—Who with Abner may compare,
In Israel Chief, and Father of the War:
Where is the Gen'ral's Conduct and his Care?
One of the People came your Lord to slay;
Justly your Heads for your neglect shou'd pay.
Born from the Camp, behold the royal Spear!
Behold, untouch'd, the Cruse of Water here!
His Father knew the Voice, confounded stood,
And thus he spoke, almost relaps'd to Good:
Virtue, like thine, Success can never fail,
It rises when oppress'd, and shall at last prevail.