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A Poetical Translation of the works of Horace

With the Original Text, and Critical Notes collected from his best Latin and French Commentators. By the Revd Mr. Philip Francis...The third edition

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Epist. IX. To Tiberius Nero.

Septimius only knows, at least, would seem
To know, the Share I hold in your Esteem,
For when he asks, and would by Prayer prevail,
That I present him with my warmest Zeal,
Worthy of Nero's Family, and Heart,
Where only Men of Merit claim a Part;
When fondly he persuades himself I hold
A Place among your nearer Friends enrol'd,
Much better than myself he sees and knows
How far my Interest with Tiberius goes.
A thousand Things I urg'd to be excus'd,
Though fearful, if too warmly I refus'd,
I might, perhaps, a mean Dissembler seem,
To make a Property of your Esteem.
Thus have I with a Friend's Request complied,
And on the Confidence of Courts relied:


If you forgive me, to your Heart receive
The Man I love, and know him good and brave.