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Albemarle County in Virginia

giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it

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The names of Thurman and Thurmond in the early records
were interchangeable. John Thurman began to purchase
land on Cove Creek in 1761. William on Green Creek in 1774,
and Richard and Philip on Buck Mountain Creek and Doyle's
River in 1776. Those of the name in the Buck Mountain
region, seem to have disposed of their property, and removed
from the county about 1790.

Previous to the latter date Benjamin Thurman was settled
on the west side of the South West Mountain, near Hammock's
Gap, which is now generally called after this family
Thurman's Gap. Benjamin married Nancy, daughter of
Gideon Carr, and his children were Fendall C., Susan, the
wife of John Rothwell, Sarah, the wife of Austin Sandridge,
Mary, the wife of John Gentry, Ann, the wife of Micajah W.
Carr, Elisha and Lucy. Fendall married Ann Royster, of
Goochland, sold his land to his brother Elisha, and in 1827
emigrated to west Tennessee. He was the father of Edward
Thurman, Janetta, the wife of David Hancock, and Catharine,
the wife of Dr. Charles Hancock. Elisha married Mary
Dickerson, and his children were Fendall D., William, Ann,
the wife of James Wheeler, Mary, the wife of John Carr,
Thomas Lindsay, Caroline, the wife of William H. Peyton,
Benjamin and Theodore.