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6 occurrences of wade
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Physics B1: General Physics: A knowledge of the elements of plane
trigonometry through the right triangle is prerequisite.
—(The course is open to
first-year students who have received this preparation in the high school.)


Page 252
Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory and recitation per week.
Laboratory fee, $15. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 courses.)

Professor Hoxton, Associate Professor Brown and Assistants.

Physics B2: Physics B1 and Mathematics A1 or A2 prerequisite.—This
course is designed to give the student a more thorough background for advanced
work in Physics and other sciences. It may be withdrawn unless
elected by at least four students. Not more than twelve students will be admitted.
Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Laboratory
fee, $7.50. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 course.)

Associate Professor Brown.

The prerequisites for the following C courses are Physics B1 and Mathematics

The student specializing in Physics is expected to utilize every opportunity
to acquire laboratory technique as a preparation for experimental investigation.

The C and D courses are not necessarily offered each year, but rather as
the needs of graduate students arise. On account of the rapid flux of thought
in the physics of the present day and the varying needs of graduate students,
the content of the advanced courses is varied from year to year. The effort is
made to combine training in fundamental methods with securing contact with
modern ideas.

Physics C1: Mechanics: Three hours of lecture per week. Given as

Professor Sparrow.

Physics C2: Electricity and Magnetism: Two hours of lecture and two
hours of laboratory per week. Laboratory fee, $7.50. Given as required.

Professor Hoxton.

Physics C3: Optics: Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory
per week. Laboratory fee, $7.50. Given as required. (Given in 1935-36.)

Associate Professor Brown.

Physics C4: Heat and Thermodynamics: Two hours of lecture and two
hours of laboratory per week. Laboratory fee, $7.50. Given as required.

Professor Hoxton.

Physics C5: Precision of Measurements: Required of all graduate students
in Physics. One lecture weekly. Given as required. (Given in 1935-36.)

Professor Sparrow.

Physics C6: Introduction to Theoretical Physics: Given as required.
(Given in 1935-36.)

Professor Sparrow.

Physics C7: Theory of Electrical Transients. Given as required.

Professor Beams.


Page 253

Physics C8: Differential Equations, Fourier's Series, Finite Differences,
Theory of Probability, and Application to Physical Problems:
Given annually.

Professor Oglesby.

Physics D2: Advanced Theoretical Physics: Given as required. (Given
in 1935-36.

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D3: Statistical Mechanics: Given as required.

Professor Hoxton.

Physics D4: Quantum Mechanics: Given as required. (Given in

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D5: Spectroscopy: Given as required.

Associate Professor Brown.

Physics D7: Selected Topics in Modern Physics: Offered annually.

Professor Beams.

Physics D8: X-rays and Nuclear Physics: Given as required. (Given in

Professor Beams.

Physics D9: Electrodynamics: Given as required.

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D10: Conduction of Electricity through Gases: Given as required.

Professor Beams.

Physics D12: Seminar: Preparation of papers on selected subjects. Required
each year of all candidates for graduate degrees.

Professor Beams.

Research Courses: Original investigations required for graduate degrees
each undertaken under the direction of one or more members of the staff.

Physics D40: Research required for the Master's thesis.

Physics D50: Research required for the Doctor's dissertation.

Journal Meeting: The faculty and advanced students meet weekly for the
presentation and discussion of recent work in the physical sciences.

The Rouss Physical Laboratory: Facilities for research, which for a
number of years have included an instrument shop and a departmental library
in addition to a variety of apparatus, are now being rapidly augmented. They
lie chiefly in the broad field of spectroscopy, in electro-optical phenomena,
nuclear physics, electrical discharges, and thermodynamics. Persons desiring
detailed information about opportunities for graduate work may write to
the Professor in Charge, Rouss Physical Laboratory, University Station,
Charlottesville, Va.


Page 254

Service Fellowships in Physics: Seven are available in all. The duties
of six of these require a maximum of twelve hours per week instruction in
laboratory and classroom, together with accompanying paper work, estimated
at from one to three hours per week additional. The stipend, after
payment of all fees, namely, University, tuition, athletic and Topics fees, will
net the holder $483.50. The seventh fellowship, both in duties and stipend,
is rated at about half (or a little over) of the above six.

All holders of these fellowships are expected to become candidates for
graduate degrees, two years usually being required for the Master's degree
and three more for the Doctorate. Where marked research ability is developed
the duties and time required may be reduced.

Requests for application blanks and further information should be made
to the Professor in Charge, Rouss Physical Laboratory, University Station,
Charlottesville, Virginia. All applications should be submitted not later than
March 1.

Philip Francis duPont Fellowships: These together with a few others
are administered through the office of the Dean of the Department of Graduate
Studies. Applicants specializing in physics are eligible but must make
application to the Dean under conditions laid down under the heading
Fellowships in this catalogue.

Where the holders of fellowships have no services to render, the time
required for winning a graduate degree may be less than that needed by
Service Fellows.

Attention is directed to the importance of absolving early, preferably
before the graduate work is begun, the requirements in French and German
for the Doctorate and in modern languages (preferably French or German or
both) for the Master's degree.