University of Virginia Library


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Page 217
After the Winter  138 
And What Shall You Say?  152 
At the Carnival  169 
At the Closed Gate of Justice  27 
Band of Gideon, The  154 
Banjo Player, The  122 
Barrier, The  141 
Before the Feast of Shushan  167 
Big Bell in Zion, The  191 
Black Mammies  98 
Brothers  85 
Butterfly in Church, A  56 
Calling the Doctor  94 
Chaucer  199 
Children of the Sun  117 
Christmas at Melrose  102 
Christmas Eve in France  162 
Compensation  25 
Corn Song, The  96 
Creation, The  76 
Cunjah Man, De  18 
Dawn's Awake! The  189 
Dead Fires  164 
Death Song, A  16 
Debt, The  10 
Del Cascar  63 
Dogwood Blossoms  55 
Dream and the Song  36 
Drum Majah, De  114 
Dunbar  174 
Dusk Song  43 
Feet of Judas, The  58 
Fifty Years  89 
Flame-Heart  143 
Harlem Dancer, The  136 
Harlem Shadows  137 
Haunted Oak, The  11 
Heart of a Woman, The  127 
Hills of Sewanee, The  57 
Hog Meat  41 
If We Must Die  134 
Indignation Dinner, An  34 
In the Matter of Two Men  32 
Ironic: LL.D.  65 
Is It Because I Am Black?  153 
'Ittle Touzle Head  110 
It Was Not Fate  46 
I Want to Die While You Love Me  130 
Keep Me, Jesus, Keep Me  181 
La Vie C'est la Vie  161 
Litany of Atlanta, A  49 
Little Brown Baby 
Little Cabin, A  185 
Lost Illusions  129 
Lover's Lane 
Lynching, The  133 
Miss Melerlee  93 
Mother Night  83 
My Hero  197 
My Little Dreams  132 
Negro Love Song, A 
Negro Poets  187 
Negro Serenade  17 
Negro Singer, The  29 
Negro Soldiers, The  159 
New Day, The  119 
O Black and Unknown Bards  73 
Oblivion  166 
Ol' Doc' Hyar  21 
Oriflamme  165 
O Southland  84 
Paul Laurence Dunbar  28 
Prayer, A  151 
Rain Music  156 
Rain Song, The  177 
Rhapsody  68 
Road to the Bow, The  30 
Rubinstein Staccato Etude, The  125 
Sandy Star and Willie Gee  59 
Scarlet Woman, The  123 
Scintilla  66 
Sence You Went Away  75 
Ships That Pass in the Night 
Sic Vita  67 
Song of Thanks, A  107 
Sonnet  183 
Sprin' Fevah  113 
Spring in New Hampshire  139 
Stanzas from The Fledgling Bard and the Poetry Society  69 
Star of Ethiopia  193 
Summer Magic  104 
Supplication  157 
Teacher, The  105 
Time to Die  109 
Tired  121 
Tired Worker, The  140 
To a Skull  201 
To O. E. A.  142 
To Our Friends  195 
To the White Fiends  135 
Translation  173 
Turn Me to My Yellow Leaves  64 
Tuskegee  101 
Two-an'-Six  145 
Two Points of View  194 
Uncle Eph's Banjo Song  20 
Washer-Woman, The  190 
'Weh Down Souf  39 
Welt  131 
When de Co'n Pone's Hot  14 
When Ol' Sis Judy Pray  23 
White Witch, The  80 
Why Adam Sinned  175 
Wife-Woman, The  171 
Winter Is Coming  182 
Youth  128 
Zalka Peetruza  112