University of Virginia Library




A trumpet sounds that never sounded
In all the history of the race.
A danger threatens, grim, unbounded:
Strange peril stares us in the face.
But all our Empire's grand old story
Is yours, from which to learn the way
Through duty done to deathless glory:
He conquers who can best obey.
Be ready and steady
Of hand and heart and eye.
Work or fight for England!
For England live or die!


No time have English lads to trifle:
The day of faltering purpose ends.


Drill, scout, grow apt with sword and rifle;
Make England's hills and streams your friends.
From sea to sea, from Scottish borders
To Dover's cliffs of snowiest white,
Learn every road. Your sudden orders
May flash from guns some noon or night.
Our England is in danger:
Danger will vanish when
Her men are all as giants
And all her boys are men.


For all our fathers died to gain;
For all their sons must fight to keep;
For meadow, mountain, sunlit plain,
Tombs where our Titans' memories sleep;
For all that England most esteems;
For kindred lands beyond the foam;
For hopes that flash through far-off dreams;
For truth and right, for King and home;
For Freedom ripening slowly,
For all high aims, contend.
The country trusts you wholly:
Each may be England's friend.



Behind you lie the deeds of daring
That built the Empire you behold;
High courage, honour, toil unsparing,
And swords of steel and hearts of gold.
A few short years! Then forth may thunder
The trumpet-peal that calls on you,
While weaklings palter, argue, blunder,
To close your ranks, to dare and do.
Be ready, be steady:
Be men in thought and deed.
Yours are the arms that England
In days to come will need.