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[Why should our parents call us good]

Why should our parents call us good,
And poison us with praise,
When born in sin, by nature proud,
And void we are of grace?


Who fancy righteousness in man,
Themselves they have not known;
Evil are all our thoughts and vain,
And God is good alone.
Good of Himself He only is;
And if He makes us good,
Our goodness is not ours, but His,
For Jesu's sake bestow'd.
O let us not ourselves forget,
Though man presume to praise,
And puff us up with the conceit
Of our own righteousness.
O let us as from serpents, fly
From all who us commend,
Or, fill'd with just abhorrence, cry,
“Get thee behind me, fiend!”
Glory to God, if we receive
The smallest spark of grace;
He only doth our goodness give,
And His be all the praise.