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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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513. Parable 9. The ten Lepers. Luke 12.

513. Parable 9. The ten Lepers. Luke 12.


Ten helpless lepers once were bound
By sorrow's hard, and heaviest chain;
In their dismay, the Saviour found,
And freely cured them of their pain:
Of all the ten, one, only one,
Return'd to own what Christ had done!



“O black ingratitude!” But, stay!
Can we, who thus indignant chide,
More fervent thankfulness display
To God, our constant friend, and guide?
From infancy have we been bless'd,
Yet, how have we our thanks express'd!


Our food, while thousands pine forlorn,
Has sprung from heaven's benign supplies;
Our health, returning with the morn,
With all life's fond, and social ties:
These gifts, with countless more, we owe
To him, from whom all comforts flow!


Have we, like this ungrateful band,
Refused his goodness to adore?
To own the kind and liberal hand
That fed us from his bounteous store?
Those, who our hearts with anger fill,
Resemble us, more thankless still!


But Oh! if we in gifts rejoice,
Which will survive the world around;
If we have heard the still-small-voice,
The note of praise should ever sound!
Saviour! for benefits so great,
To thee, our hearts, we consecrate!