University of Virginia Library



Thou art the man. ... The Lord also hath put away thy sin.”—2 Sam. xii. 7, 13.

Thou art the man,” the sinner thou,
Whatever be the masking shape
That hides the shadow on thy brow
Or opens pathways of escape;
No refuge veils, thou art the one,
This evil thou thyself hast done.
Thou art the man,” the sentence thine
Which sent the Saviour to the Cross,
And spurned that Human Love Divine
For which the world were paltry loss;
Ah, deem no other could be worse,
But make thine own the bitter curse.
Thou art the man,” and upon thee
The monstrous guilt must ever lie,
Until His Blood hath washed thee free
And thou within His grave dost lie;
He felt the rending nail and thorn,
But sharper was thy cruel scorn.
Thou art the man,” but Jesus hung
On Golgotha for such as thou,
To bid the sin-old world grow young
And bring thee precious pardon now;
For here in Mercy, lo, He stands
And holds thee with his piercèd Hands.