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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Strive still to feel thy whole self: let no Year,
Still less one paltry Day, imprison thee
In its scant limits: move at large, and free,
Live thou above all Time, thus wilt thou ne'er
Be the pale trembling slave of Pain and Fear;
Feel thou the Being of a whole Life: be
Conscious of all thy Moments, as the Tree
Of all its Leaves, and like these when grown sere,
Let thy past Joys be moulded into new;
Feel thyself the Eternal which thou art,
Then with the Eternal's Eyes thou'lt learn to view
Calmly the Goods of Earth come or depart;
Time robs the Being of a Day, but to
Thee he is nought, thro' thy sublimer Art
Already of Eternity a Part!—