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Poems of James Clarence Mangan

(Many hitherto uncollected): Centenary edition: Edited, with preface and notes by D. J. O'Donoghue: Introduction by John Mitchel

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As She Lay on Her Death-bed



Yet lingerest thou!—but I have ceased repining;
Through thy long nights I see God's brightness shining;
For, though our Sceneworld vanish from thy sight,
Within thee radiates more than starry light!
To thee have been revealed—bared for thy seeing—
The Inner Life—the Mystery of Being—
Heaven, Hades, Hell—the eternal How and Where—
The glory of the Dead—and their despair!
Tears darkened long thy bodily vision nightly,
Yet then, even then, the Interior Eye saw brightly,
Saw, too, how Truth itself spake by His voice
Who bade men weep, that so they might rejoice!
Well hast thou borne thy Cross, like Him, thy Master,
Though griefs, like snares, waylaid thee fast and faster.
While that hard-minded world which knew thee not
Found only food for mockery in thy lot!
And now, rejoice, thou Faithfullest and Meekest!
It lies in sight, the Quiet Home thou seekest;
And gently wilt thou pass to it, for thou
Art all but disembodied even now!