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Epist. VIII. To Celsus Albinovanus.

To Celsus, Muse, my warmest Wishes bear,
And if he kindly ask you how I fare,
Say, though I threaten many a vast Design,
Nor Happiness, nor Wisdom, yet are mine.


Not that the driving Hail my Vineyards beat;
Not that my Olives are destroy'd with Heat;
Not that my Cattle pine in foreign Plains—
More in my Mind than Body lie my Pains.
Reading I hate, and with unwilling Ear
The Voice of Comfort, or of Health I hear.
Friends or Physicians I with Pain endure,
Who strive this Langour of my Soul to cure.
Whate'er may hurt me, I with Joy pursue;
Whate'er may do me good, with Horrour view.
Inconstant as the Wind, I various rove;
At Tibur, Rome: at Rome, I Tibur love.
Ask how he does; what happy Arts support
His Prince's Favour, nor offend the Court;
If all be well, say. first, that we rejoice,
And then, remember, with a gentle Voice
Instill this Precept at his listening Ear,
“As You your Fortune, we shall Celsus bear.”