University of Virginia Library

Seint Clement was ibore at Rome bi olde dawe
Of þe hexte men of Rome þat were in þulke lawe
His moder het Faustidiane his fader Faustian
Vlþere breþeren he hadde tueye here names telle ich can
Þon het Faust þoþer Faustin tuei tuynnes hit were
Glad were þe fader & þe moder þat hem biȝete & bere
Swiþe fair womman here moder was þe faireste þat me wiste
And louede hire louerd truliche for non oþer me nuste
For hire fairhede hire louerdes broþer fondede bi al his miȝte
Hire to bringe to fole loue bi daye & bi nyȝte
Þis gode womman was stedeuast & negrantede noȝt his wille
Ac euere ansuerede him faire & bar hire faire & stille
So suyþe he ofsoȝte hire þat no pees heo nadde
He nuste [wat] was hire beste red ac sore of him heo dradde
Heo þoȝte if heo tolde hire louerd fore [he] wolde anon beo wroþ
& his broþer þe more hatie & þat hire were loþ
Heo þoȝte hou heo miȝte best do þat heo awhile were
Out of his siȝt in anoþer lond forte heo forȝete were
A queyntise heo biþoȝte þat to hire louerd heo seide
A nyȝt in hire slepe heo gan sike as heo of hire slepe abreide


Hard metinge me haþ ymet ynot what is to rede
Sire heo seide nou þin help ich am in grete drede
Me mette þat on of oure godes her com bifore þe
& het þe greiþi hasteliche þyne tuei sones & me
& wende wiþ hem & wonie wiþ hem fur in anoþer londe
Forte ich habbe oþer heste of him oþer of his sonde
Bote þat we sone dude þis he suor bi grete oþe
To liþere deþe he wolde bringe oure childrene & ous boþe
Þerfore sire biþench þe wel what þou wolt þer of rede
For bote hit beo sone ido certes we beoþ alle dede
Narewe heo þoȝte in suche neode þe beste red heo radde
Þis gode man lai in gret care sore þane deþ he dradde
Dame he seide whan hit so is to schulden ous fram care
Þu schalt nyme þyne tuei sones & in to Attenes fare
Þu schalt nyme wiþ þe men ynowe & spense ynou also
Þu schalt whan þu þider comest þi sone[s] to lore do
Þat hi lurnye of clergie & whan God sent toknynge
Þat þu schalt come aȝe þu schalt hem wiþ þe bringe
Glad was þis gode wyf þo mid þis gladful rede
Heo greiþede hire & wende hire forþ bi hire louerdes bede
Heo gan hire tuei vlþere sones toward Attenes lede
Ac Clement wiþ his fader leuede for ȝunghede
For he was vneþe vyf ȝer old & for he scholde beo
His fader solaȝ for he nadde childrene bote hem þreo
Þo þis gode wyf was forþ iwend & hire louerdes broþer hit wiste
Þat hire louede in fole loue nanne red he nuste
For wraþþe he seide to his broþer sire hou goþ þis
Is þi wyf fram þe wend strong hore heo is iwis
Me heo haþ longe iloued noleng hele y nemay
& to bringe me in fole loue heo fondede nyȝt & day
Vneþe ich miȝte wiþ hire me wite for siker ynolde hit do
For synne ne for loue of þe ne for mi trunisse also
Anon so heo hit vnderȝet þat ynolde do hire wille


On of þyne heo louede in folie wel stille
Þat bi hire haþ ofte ileye þeȝ þu hit ne vnderȝete
Heo þoȝte hou best wiþ him beo for heo nolde him lete
Þerfore he biþoȝte a fel wrench of wommanes lore
& is ago wiþ hire copyner þu nesixt hire namore
For ofte me saiþ & soþ hit is þat þis wymmen beoþ
Felle & false & me ofþinȝþ þat we þat soþe iseoþ
Swiþe sori was þis gode man þo he ihurde þis
Þat his wyf þat he louede moche scholde so do amis
& þat heo was so fram him iwend & þat heo neleuede hire bihynde
His sones þat him were so leof þat he nuste whar hem fynde
After he wolde habbe iwend ac he neþerfte for care
Of Clement his leoue sone leste he scholde forfare
Nou vuele iþeo þat him haþ such lesing ibroȝt
Ȝe mowe iseo hou me lieþ on wymmen for noȝt
Forþ wende þis wyf & hire sones as God hire wolde sende
In schipe heo dude hire in þe see into oþer lond to wende
Amidde þe see aȝen a roche here schip bigan to glide
& al todrof & hi flote euerech in his side
Ac a wawe com of þe see þurf oure Louerdes sonde
& caste þis gode wyf al quic into anoþer londe
Anon so heo was vp icast & hire riȝte wit hire com
& miste of hire tuei sones gret deol to hire heo nom
In þe see heo wolde habbe ilope hire silue to adrenche
If hit nadde [ibe] for grete hope of þing þat heo gan þenche
Þat þe see wolde in somme tyme hire sones to londe caste
For me saiþ heo wole eche ded þing caste vp atte laste
Hadde heo enes here bodies iseȝe hire þoȝte heo ne roȝte
Wide & longe heo orn aboute & here caroignes soȝte
Þo heo nemiȝte hem iseo heo ȝal & wep wel sore


Hire traceours heo todrouȝ & caste awei þo heo ne hopede nomore
Hire honden heo wrang & al todrouȝ þat flesch fram þe bone
& al tognouȝ þe synewen sore heo gan whyne & grone
Heo orn as heo witles were aboute in to al þe londe
Wimmen hadde of hire grete reuþe þat heo gnouȝ so hire honde
Hi fondede hire to conforti hi alle nemiȝte hit make
Þat heo wolde in hire hurte enes glad semblant take
In to a wommanes hous heo com þat was longe bedrede
Þat gret reuþe hadde þo heo [hurde] hire so wepe & grede
& confortede hire what so heo miȝte & makede hire bileue
& makede hire riȝt fair semblant forte hit was neȝ eue
So heo confortede þis gode wyf þat heo leuede þer at inne
& mid work of hire honden hire lyflode heo gan winne
Mid spynning & mid sowinge þat heo couþe wel do
Þermid heo fedde hire swiþe wel & hire ostesce also
Sone þerafter hire synewen of hire honden gonne to schrinke
For heo hadde hem er so forgnawe þat heo nemiȝte noȝt swynke
So longe þat heo nemiȝte awelde noþer arm ne honde
To pulte enes mete to hire mouþ as hit was Godes sonde
Þe deol þat heo makede þo no tonge telle ne mai
Allas heo seide þus longe ilyued þat ich euere abod þis dai
For nomore sor þan me is on neuere womman nadde
Þe ioye of mi louerd furst ich lees for synne þat ich dradde
& bileuede mi ȝunge sone þat me so leof is
& mi tuei sones les in þe see þat were al mi blis
& alone am fram mi freond in vncouþe londe
Mid deol & sorewe habbe ilyued bi swynch of myn honde


Nou myne honde me beoþ bynome þat y nemai hem enes wawe
Allas þus in care ilyued þat ynere ibroȝt of dawe
Þe reuþe þat heo makede & deol þat reuþe hit is to telle
Ofte heo was vpe þe poynte hire silue forto quelle
Fram dore to dore heo bad hire mete & mid þat heo miȝte awynne
Heo fedde hire & hire ostesce & bar hom to hire inne
Hire louerd atom after hire longede swiþe sore
He sende men to siche hire ac hi necome aȝe nomore
Oþere he sende in to al þat lond & þo hi hadde longe isoȝt
Hi come aȝe & tolde him fore þat hi nefonde hire noȝt
Þo nom he Clement his ȝunge sone & in god warde let take
& wende him silue into al þat lond for to siche his make
No more he necom hom aȝe wel wide he hire soȝte
& ȝeode aboute & bad his mete þat of his lyf he neroȝte
Tuenti ȝer he bad his mete & his wyf also
In feblesce he ful of elde þat vneþe he miȝte go
Louerd þat her was deolful cas wher euere were eni more
Hard is þe hurte þat hit ihureþ bote he sike sore
Clement þe ȝunge child to clergie was ido
He worþ sone swiþe god clerc god & queynte also
Him þoȝte þurf his clergie þat here bileue nas naȝt
He wilnede moche to wite of God ac noman him nadde itaȝt
Hit biful þat seint Barnabe into Rome com
& seint Clement him ihurde a dai prechi Cristendom
So þat of þis holi apostle he let him cristny anon
& þe beste prechour bicom þat miȝte an vrþe gon
He ihurde telle of seint Peter þat in þe lond of Ynde [was]
Er he to him icome was glad & bliþe he nas
He bicom his on disciple & aboute wiþ him wende
Forto prechi Cristendom þurf wit þat God him sende
Symon Magus þe liþere man ȝeode into anoþer londe
To prechi aȝen Cristendom þurf þe deueles sonde
He hadde wiþ him tuei disciples þat þo hi vnderȝete


Þe falshede þat wiþ him was hi gonne him sone forlete
To seint Peter hi wende anon & his disciples bicome
Þo hi hadde Cristendom hi herede God ilome
Seint Clement tolde a dai seint Peter wel stille
Hou hit of his freond biful þurf oure Louerdes wille
Hou his moder ȝeode awei mid his breþeren tueye
Þat he wende hi were adronke oþer ded bi þe weye
& hou his fader wende to siche hire þo he neseȝ non oþer red
& hou he wende he were adreynt oþer for deol ded
& hou freondles he was vp ibroȝt & to suche lore
Þo seint Peter ihurde þis he wep & siȝte sore
As seint Peter ȝeode a dai prechinge ouer lond
A womman þat gentil þoȝte in grete meseise he fond
Whar heo ȝeode & bad hire mete he axede hire anon
Whi heo nemiȝte hire mete iwynne & whi heo wolde so gon
Þis womman seide such dai was ich couþe mi mete iwynne
& myne honde me beoþ bynome þat y nemay sowi nespynne
More sorewe þan me is nou on neuere nas ifounde
Allas þat ynadde me silue adreynt allas þulke stounde
Womman quaþ seint Peter þo folliche þu dost telle
For þe man þat him silue quelleþ his soule schal to helle
Sire quaþ þis womman & ich wiste þat soulen libbe scholde
After þisse lyue ynolde bileue þat me silue quelle ynolde
Þat ich one stounde miȝte myne sones iseo
I ne roȝte siþþe þeȝ ich scholde euere in helle beo
For mi louerd & mi ȝunge sone ich bileuede at Rome
& wende forþ wiþ myne tuei sones & þo we in þe see come
Þe schip brac & mi leoue sones nemiȝte neuere beo ifounde
Ich was icast to londe al quic allas þulke stounde
For feblesce y nemai wende aȝe ne ynot ho me lede


Ne mi louerd ne mi ȝunge sone ynot if hi beoþ quike oþer dede
Clement quaþ Peter þat myn on disciple is
Telleþ þat his fader & his moder such cas bitidde iwis
Þis womman ful adoun iswowe þo heo hurde þis
Þo heo aros & cride ȝurne for ioye & for blis
Sire heo seide þat is mi sone tel me whar he beo
I newilny mi lyf no leng bote þat ich him iseo
Com forþ quaþ seint Peter ich wole þe to him lede
Ac nebeo þu noȝt iknowe er þan ich þe rede
He nom þis womman bi þe hond & to hire sone hire broȝte
Þo seint Clement iseȝ him lede a womman vuele him þoȝte
He seide nou in þin olde lyue woltou wiþ womman beo
So wroþ he was þat he wolde vneþe him iseo
Þis gode wyf stod bi hire sone heo nemiȝte forbere no more
Heo biclipte him & custe anon for ioye heo wep sore
Hire honden þat hire were bynome anonriȝt hole were
For ioye & for þe grete vertu of þe gode men þat were þere
Wroþ was seint Clement wiþ þis wyf þat heo him clipte & custe
He pulte hire wiþ grete wreþþe & to grounde vpriȝt þruste
Clement quaþ seint Peter þo þerftou þi moder pulte
Cri hire merci & let þe schryue of þe foule gulte
Louerd seide seint Clement þo whar þis mi moder beo
Louerd ihered beo þi miȝte þat ich moste þis dai iseo
Vpe his moder he ful adoun & clipte hire faste & custe
Louerd þe ioye þat þer was þo aiþer of oþer wiste
Sone quaþ þis wyf þin ore whar þi fader alyue beo
Certes he seide moder ynot y newene him neuere iseo
Tuenti ȝer hit is ago þat he after þe wende


Neuereft y nehurde word of him ne he necom nesende
Þo gan þis gode wyf wepe sore ac naþeles for blisse
Of hire sone þat heo fond hire sorewe gan to lisse
Euere stode bi seint Peter þoþer disciples tueye
Þat fram Symon Magus ȝeode & ihurde þis ȝurne beye
Hi hurde hou þis gode wyf tolde Clement hire sone þere
Hou hire tuei vlþere sones in þe see adreynt were
Þo hi hadde þis word ihurd Louerd hi were glad
For ioye hi were witles witles oþer amad
Louerd hi seide whar þis beo soþ þat we ihureþ telle
Oþer ous þinȝþ in metinge oþer in maner of spelle
Hit is soþ quaþ seint Peter oþer we beoþ wode
Hi nuste were beo stille oþer speke ac as gydie men hi stode
Louerd hi seide þis oure moder þat adreynte as we wende
Ihered beo þat hire to lyue broȝte & hider to ous sende
& þis is Clement oure ȝunge broþer þat longe haþ ibeo oure fere
We nuste neuere what he was er þurf Godes grace nou here
Louerd þe ioye þat þer was þat me miȝte þer iseo
Bituene þe gode wyf & hire sones þe swete breþren þreo
Þis gode wyf eschte here tuei sones hou hi to lyue come
Dame hi seide as God hit wolde a bord of þe schip we nome
Þeron we honge & hit ous bar in þe see wel wyde
Mariners ous toke in to a schip as we flote biside
Er hi ous hadde to londe ibroȝt hi nolde neuere fyne
Hi solde ous to a widue þat het dame Iustine
Þat norissede ous nesche & wel as we hire sones were
& God hire ȝulde of clergie heo let ous sone lere
So þat we beoþ Godes disciples mid his apostles here
Oure broþer furst we knoweþ nou þat haþ ibeo oure fere


Nou we beoþ her togadere icome we mowe iseo Godes miȝte
Þat euere wole here while ȝulde þat him seruieþ wiþ riȝte
Wel wot ech man þat þis ihureþ þeȝ we nesigge hit ilome
Þat ioye hem bituene was þo hi togadere come
Þis gode wyf hem tolde of hire ostesce þat ynnede hire bi nyȝte
Þat heo was god & bedrede if hire hele miȝte
Seint Peter hire let fecche & þurf oure Louerdes grace
Helde hire tofore al þat folc anon in þe place
As seint Peter prechede a dai he seide in his prechinge
Þat ho so serueþ oure Louerd wel he schal habbe god endinge
Þo stod þer vp a swiþe old man wiþ lockes swiþ hore
Stopinge [p]ore & meseise & wepinge wel sore
Gret reuþe he seide ich habbe of ȝou þat ȝe beoþ bitrayd so
Ech man falþ as his whate do what he euere do
For þeȝ man swynke & crie on God & bidde ȝurne his bede
Him schal falle god oþer qued as him is biquede
Þeȝ meni man swynke euere & beo wys he nemai neuere bate
& meni doþ vuele & folie & ȝut he haþ god whate
Seint Peter het þis þreo breþeren þat his disciples were
Disputi aȝe þis olde man of þat he tolde þere
Hi stode vp & here resouns sede þat ech man scholde afonge
After þat he wirche wolde elles hit were wronge
For ho so naþ no god ne swynke nele ne of no purueance beo
What whate so him euere beo iquede [] he neschal neuere iþeo
& ho so is wys to wynne god & wel witie can
What so euere his whate beo he worþ riche man


For oure Louerd wole her & elleswhar ȝulde a manes seruise
After þat he wirche wole & after whate in none wyse
Gret clerc was þis olde man he gan disputi faste
Aȝen alle þreo wiþ gret resoun þe plee longe ilaste
Seint Clement was grettest clerc þerfore attan ende
Maister he was þurf þe grace þat oure Louerd him gan sende
Atte laste þis olde man gan to sike & grone
Wel he seide ich wole ileoue ȝoure resouns echone
If ich nadde to moche ifonded of þing þat goþ bi whate
Allas þulke sorful tyme for mi bote comeþ late
Riche man ich was ellerwar þeȝ ich beo a wrecche here
Ich hadde þeoinge childrene ȝunge a god wyf þat was mi fere
Mi wyf ladde mi sones awei þo we hem hadde al biswonke
Nehurde ich neuereft word of hem ich wot hi beoþ adronke
Al mi freond & al mi god ich bileuede me bihynde
& walke her in vncouþe londe if ich hem miȝte fynde
Mi ȝungeste child ich bileuede atom ich wene þat he beo ded
Worse whate nadde neuere man ynot what worþ mi red
Ich am her þer noman me nekn[o]weþ mid meseise ouercome
Mid honger & chile & mine lymes for elde me beoþ bynome
Siggeþ ȝe nou if ȝe hurde euere eni so deolful cas
Ho is hit þat nemai ileoue þat liþer whate hit nas
Þo þis breþeren iknewe here fader þurf þat he hadde ised
Sturte hi wolde him to cusse ac seint Peter hem forbed
If ich bringe bifore þe he seide þi children & þi wyf
Woltou forhote such misbileue & amendi þi lyf
Bileof þat þing comeþ as God wole & noþing bi whate
Ȝe sire quaþ þis gode man hit worþ so wel late
Also hit neuere neworþ þat ich hem iseo alle
So neworþ hit neuere þat moche þing nele bi whate falle


Lo seide seint Peter þis beoþ þi sones þreo
Þat to bringe þe to Godes lawe pleidieþ aȝe þe
Þo þis olde man ihurde þis his lymes him bere nolde
Ac neschede as wex aȝe þe fur & ful adoun vpe þe molde
He lai al cold wiþoute breþe as he no lyf nadde
His sones him clipte & custe anon loude hi cride & gradde
Hi bere him aboute & blewe on him amendement to bringe
Longe hit was er hi miȝte on him iseo eni toknynge
Þo his stat was icome he axde anon þere
Hou hi were forþ ibroȝt so freondeles as hi were
Euerech tolde in his wise of oure Louerdes myȝte
Þat he on hem hadde ido þo he seȝ þe riȝte
As hi tolde of hire lyf euerech in his side
Þe gode wyf orn as heo wod were & swiþ loude cride
Whar is mi louerd whar is mi spouse schowe me him anon
Heo biclipte him & ful adoun heo nemiȝte ane fot gon
More ioye nemiȝte beo in none manes lyue
Þan was þo hi togadere come among hem alle vyue
Þer we mowe alle iseo oure Louerdes myȝte
Þat attan ende ȝuldeþ wel him þat him serueþ mid riȝte
Hit biful þat þemperour oueral sende his sonde
Simon Magus þe liþere man to siche in eche londe
& sle him ho so him miȝte fynde for his liþere dede
Þo Symon Magus hit wiste he was in gret drede
A felonye he biþoȝte for þe breþeren tueye
Þat hadde mid him ibeo & iparted fram him beye
Bi here fader he cam a dai as þe deuel him gan lere
& caste on him his owe forme him silf as þeȝ hit were
Þurf his foule enchantement þat ho so þis olde man iseȝ
Wende þat Symon Magus hit were þer was þe deuel sleȝ
For ioye þat his sones hadde of him one stounde


For he scholde for him beo aslawe if he were ifounde
For euere þe deuel & alle his felonye doþ þenche
& atte laste hi schulle spurne mid here owe wrenche
Symon Magus wende awei þo þat ido was
Þis holi man to his sones ȝeode & nuste noȝt of þis [cas]
He com & gret ioye makede mid his sones & mid his wyue
Hi spette on him & pulte him awei & bede him go forþ blyue
For he was þe deueles lyme hi nolde wiþ him dele
Bote he sone fram hem ȝeode him to wroþere hele
Allas quaþ þis gode man myne leoue children þreo
Whi wole ȝe ȝoure fader bete nole ȝe me nomore iseo
For soþe quaþ his children þreo þu nert oure fader noȝt
Þu ert Symon Godes trichour þu worst to deþe ibroȝt
& þemperoures men þe fynde þat wide þe habbeþ isoȝt
As þe deueles lyme þu worst todrawe for þat þu hast forþ ibroȝt
Louerd quaþ þis seli man whoder mai ich nou wende
Nou myne chyldren me nulleþ iknowe a dai to þan ende
Mest wrecche ich am of alle men whan ynabbe freond non
Bote hem & hi me wolleþ asle whoder mai ich nou gon
Symon Magus þer bifore in Antioche wende
& seint Peter mid lesinge tofore þat folc aschende
& seide he was a manquellere wicche & forswore
Þat folc awaitede him to sle in Antioche þerfore
Seint Peter hit vnderȝet [he] wolde beo awreke him þoȝte
He cam to þis olde man þat him wel longe soȝte
Beo stille he seide & do after me & suffre a lutel þrowe
& ich wole make þi sones & þi wyf þe wel sone iknowe
Þu schalt go in Antioche þer Symon Magus was
As he me desclandred haþ & sigge of þulke cas
In his name ech man weneþ þat þu him silf hit beo
& sigge þat hit lesing is þat þu seide vpe me


& l[i]ȝnye also þyn owe mouþ as hit beo in his name
& þat hit was lees if þu seidest bi me liþer fame
& þat þu ert þerof repentant & þerof wel ischryue
Of lesing þat þu seidest hem bid hem þe forȝeue
Þis olde man him ȝeode forþ in Antioche anon
In meni stede faste aboute as Symon hadde igon
Gode men he seide if ich habbe itold bi Peter eni þing
Bote trunisse & gret god iwis hit is lesing
Her bifore ȝou euerechone ich liȝny myn owe mouþ
For he is true & stedefast his godnisse is wide couþ
Forte sauuy al þat lond oure Louerd him haþ isend
Bileoueþ & wercheþ after him oþer ȝe worþeþ ischend
For ȝou silue & ȝoure god þurf oure Louerdes wreche
Forfare schal bote ȝe do as he wole ȝou teche
If ich eueremore so am in þe deueles lore ibroȝt
Þat ich oþer bi him sigge þerof neleoue ȝe me noȝt
Ac doþ me schame & beteþ me & doþ me out of dawe
As me doþ a liþer liere & a man of false lawe
Þerafter he cam to seint Peter & he his lymes riȝte
And brouȝte him in his owe forme þurf oure Louerdes miȝte
Þo was gret ioye bituene his sones & him & his wyue
Þo hi were in here forme togadre alle fyue
Euere God is strengere þan þe deuel attan ende
& Symones tricherie Magus vpe him silue gan wende
For Antioche wel gret loue vpe seint Peter caste
& sore longede after him & lete him siche faste
Seint Peter cam to Antioche as he hadde er ilome
Men & wymmen of þe lond wel glad aboute him come
& honurede him wiþ grete prute as prince of þe lawe
& as here maister & here louerd hi were mid him wel fawe
In a riche chaire hi him broȝte & knowede him bifore
& beden him hem wardi & hem lere þat here soules nere forlore
Þis was a seint Peteres dai þat comeþ in Feeuerer


Þat for honur of þulke dai me singeþ fur & ner
Þo þis dede was ido seint Peter þannes wende
Symon Magus wende þider & hi him foule aschende
Tofore al þat folc he com moche wonder me þencheþ he sede
Þat ich ȝoure soulebote bifore & ȝoure god gan rede
Þat ȝe Peter þe tricchour nefloȝe þat he neȝ ȝou necome
Ac ȝe alle honurede him & wiþ noblei him nome
& in heȝe chaire him sette as he ȝoure Crist were
Fleoþ him if ȝe wolleþ beo sauf & doþ as ich ȝou lere
Þo þis folc ihurde þis for wraþþe hi were neȝ wode
Trichour hi seide þis oþer dai bifore ous her [þu] stode
& seide þat he was true & god & don after him we scholde
& nou þu liȝnest þyn owe mouþ þi while worþ wel iȝolde
Hi sturte vp & beote þis liþere þeof þat he was neȝ of dawe
Nadde he þe reulikere icrid hi him wolde habbe todrawe
He krep awei as he myȝte wiþ meni a liþer stroc
Þer he him silue as ech swike atte laste biswoc
Seint Peter ȝeode to Rome mid his disciples þreo
He wiste his tyme was icome ymartrid forto beo
Seint Clement bi his lyue he makede pope of Rome
Þat god ȝeme after him to Holi Churche nome
Þo seint Peter ymartrid was seint Clement him biþoȝte
If he bileuede pope forþ as men him bisoȝte
Þurf þat cas whan so hi wolde Holi Churche bitraye
Þat pope miȝte after oþer make al bi his daye
For wardeyn of Holi Churche þurf godnisse me schall take
Noȝt as hit were bi heritage þat o freond anoþer make
He tok vp his dignete for al þat me him bad
& seint Lyn in his stede pope was ymaked
After seint Lynes dai meni men hit wolde
Seint Clement habbe pope ymaked ac for noþing he nolde
Seint Clete was pope ymaked & after his dai anon
Þat folc [helde] seint Clement faste hi nolde more forgon


& mid strenȝþe makede him pope & þo hit com þerto
He fondede to paye riche & pore and ech man also
He fondede to paye þe pore more þan riche
To helpe þe soule more þan þe body for hi ne beoþ noȝt iliche
Sisinne þe Iustise of þe lond hadde a god wyf
A dai as heo was to churche ago to amendi hire lyf
Fram hire louerd [heo] stole wiþoute eni fere
A dai heo wolde to churche go seint Clementes masse to hire
Þe Iustise herof vnderȝet he awatede ofte hire swiþe
A dai as heo was to churche ago he suede after hire blyue
As swiþe as he to churche com & his wyf him vnderȝet
Adrad heo was & hudde hire in a durne stede þer heo set
As seint Clement seide his oreisoun & his clerkes amen sede
Þe Iustise bicom def & blynd & loude bigan to grede
Whar beo ȝe he seide myne men out ȝe mote me lede
Hi sturte anon & nome him vp hi swatte alle for drede
Hi bere him in þe churche aboute hi nemiȝte þe dore fynde
Whan hi wende atte dore beo hi were fur bihynde
Sore was þe wyf adrad þo heo seȝ him so fare
Heo axede whar hire louerd were heo nemiȝte no leng spare
For he wolde heo seide iseo & ihure what were him on bicome
He is blynd & def her in þe churche of Rome
Þis gode wyf bad oure Louerd faste þat hi moste out wende
Þo fonden hi þe dore anon & wenden out attan ende
Seint Clement heo bad ȝurne also to hire louerd come
To amendi him of his lymes þat him were bynome
Seint Clement bad for him to oure Louerd þeȝ hit were wiþ wrong


His siȝt & his list comen aȝe ac he nadde neuer a þonk
For anon þo he seȝ him stonde bi his wyf he wende
& seide þat he bi hire lay & þerfore him ablende
Þis leuedi ȝeode in priueite Iesu Crist bad faste
Þat he hire louerd þurf his grace in betere bileue caste
Seint Peter fram heuene to hire liȝte adoun
& seide hire louerd scholde isauued beo þurf hire oreisoun
For me saiþ a liþer man schal isaued beo
Þurf godnisse of a god womman & so worþ he þurf þe
Þis leuedi ȝeode to hire louerd to prechi Cristendom
So þat he þurf Godes grace to gode bileue com
Anon he let him baptiȝe & al his meyne þere
Þreo hondred men & tuelue mid him ibaptiȝed were
Troian þe liþer emperour of him ihurde speke
For his Iustise he swor he wolde of Clement beon awreke
He comandede Mamertyn þat was anoþer Iustise
Make Clement þe pope to do sacrefise
Oþer out of londe him fleme þat he nebileuede noȝt
For here lawe & here godes were þurf him to schame ibroȝt
Þis Iustise wiþ gret poer seint Clement þo nom
& þo he nolde do sacrefise he ȝaf him oþer dom
To beo out of londe idryue into wyldernisse
He was forþ iharled as a þeof in gret schindnisse
Þo he to wylþernisse com tuo þousend he fond þere
Of Cristene men þat hadde longe þer iwoned for fere
Leste þemperoures men hem hadde in turment ibroȝt
& hi for drede of stronge deþe aȝen God turnde here þoȝt
For meni bi þulke dawe for drede of suche þinge
As bestes lyuede in wylþernisse þo Cristendom gan springe
Wel glade were þis gode men þo hi seint Clement iseȝe
Aȝen him hi wende & cride on God w[e]pinge wiþ here eȝe
Seint Clement hi makede here maister pope as he was
Þer nas non in so god lyf þat þurf him amended nas
Þe nexte water þat hem was neȝ was six myle þannes longe


Al here drinke hi fette þer in weyes swiþe stronge
Seint Clement bad oure Louerd Crist if hit his wille were
His true couent þat he holpe & water hem sende þere
A lomb þer com & merkede mid his riȝt fot a stede
He seȝ þat hit was oure Louerdes wille to do þat he hadde ibede
He ȝeode & smot in þulke stede as þe lomb merkede er
A fair wel þer sprong out gret ioye was þo þer
Þis miracle was wide icud vyf hondred men þerfore
Bicome Cristene to godre hele þat hi euere were ibore
Seint Clement ȝeode among hem & so fair miracle wroȝte
Þat moche folc to gode bileue & to Iesu Crist he broȝte
Vyf hondred of maumetȝ he brouȝte to grounde þere
& sixti churches & vyftene in here stede let rere
So Troian þemperour her of ihurde telle
Of gret poer he sende þider a duk hem for to quelle
Þis duc him nom & bond to him grete stones faste
& ladde him to þe deope see & al amidde him caste
Wel moche was þe deol þat his disciples for him makede
Hi vrne & soȝte him in þe see as fur as hi þerfte wade
Þo hi nemiȝte to him come oure Louerd hi bade
Þat þurf a siȝt of seint Clement his disciples he makede glade
As hi sete vpe þe see & cride on God ȝurne
Þe see swiftliche hire wiþdrouȝ & wiþ gret eir gan vrne
So þat wiþinne þe grete see þreo grete myle & more
Swiþe fair wei & drie þer was þurf oure swete Louerdes ore
Þis gode men in þe faire see in gonne wende
& fonde a churche ymaked of marbre atte weyes ende
& wiþinne þe churche a cofre of siluer & of golde
& þerinne ligge seint Clementes bodi as oure Louerd hit wolde
Louerd moche was þe ioye þat þis gode men inne were
For þis miracle of seint Clement þat hi fonde þere


Hi dude here preiere wat hi wolde & wiþdrowe hem attan ende
Þe see euere after hem at here heles gan wende
Forte heo cam to hire riȝte stede & þer heo gan astonde
Hi seruede God alle þe bet & þonkede ȝurne his sonde
Hit biful ek longe þerafter þurf oure Louerdes heste
Fram ȝere to ȝere soue dayes at seint Clementes feste
Þat þe see wolde so wiþdrawe & makie þe wei wel drie
To þe chapel of seint Clement þat no water nescholde anuye
Þat ech man alle þe soue dayes al drie ȝeode & clene
To onury þe holi bodi as hit ful ech ȝer ene
Anon þe see wende aȝe mid water & mid slyme
After þe soueniȝt huld hire so forte anoþer ȝer þulke tyme