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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Ad. Ephesios iiijo: Tradidit semet ipsum oblacionem & hostiam Deo in odorem suauitatis.

But how þat Crist was sacrifise
to make his fader monnus frende,
& restoret vs to be hys,
I schal declare ow er I wende.

Augustinus de Trinitate: Quid tam grate suscipi posset, quam caro sacrificii nostri corpus effectum sacerdotis nostri Christi? Vt qu[oniam] quatuor considerantur in omni sacrificio: videlicet cui offoratur & quid offeratur, pro quibus offeratur & quis offerat, exponitur in lingua materna.

‘what maner thing’, sais saynt Austyne,
‘more derworth may taken be
then Cristis body to suffre pyne,
that verray preste is, leue ȝe me?
‘And hauyng consideracioun
to four poyntes þat he con say,
I may preue þat his passioun
vnkyntt þe deulis bonde to-day.
‘ffor mon þat offres he mot se
to qvom he offres, & quat thing,
for qvom that offrande eke shal be,
And qvo als makes that offryng.
‘As towchinge offring maad this day,
Ihesu Crist that offring was,
offrer al-so in good faye,
for offering of hym-self he maas.
‘To restore vs as he may
to his fader, that offering taas;
thus offring, offrer, sothe to say,
and offring-taker eke towe has.


‘the furthe was mon he offret fore
to make in hym as one to be,
to wone wihit hym for euermore
in heuen blisse, right as dose he.’
Also how and in quat maner
by Crist reconcilet so ben we,
saynt Austyn says, as ȝe schun here,
that Crist these four most nedely be.

Augustinus: Christus est sacerdos, sacrificium, Deus & templum. Sacerdos, per quem sumus reconciliati, sacrificium quo sumus reconciliati, templum, quo sumus reconciliati.

ffor prest he was, I may wel say,
thurgh whom reconcilet we wer tho,
and sacrafice calle hym I may
that for vs suffert suche wo,
God also, that nys no nay,
to whom reconselet so wer we,
and temple hit was done in that day
withouten drede also was he.
For a gode mon of lyuyng
Goddes temple callet is,
therfore to calle hym so, methynke
I may say wel and not amys.