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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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67 Of Master Iohn Dauies Booke of Dancing. To himselfe.
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67 Of Master Iohn Dauies Booke of Dancing. To himselfe.

While you the Planets all doe set to dancing,
Beware such hap, as to the Fryer was chancing:
Who preaching in a Pulpit old and rotten,
Among some notes, most fit to be forgotten;
Vnto his Auditory thus he vaunts,
To make all Saints after his pype to daunce:

It speaking, which as he himselfe aduances,
To act his speech with Iestures, lo, it chances,
Downe fals the Pulpit, sore the man is brused,
Neuer was Fryer, and Pulpit more abused.
Then beare with me, though yet to you a stranger,
To warne you of the like, nay greater danger.
For though none feare the falling of those sparkes,
(And when they fall, 'twill be good catching Larkes)
Yet this may fall, that while you dance and skip
With Female Planets, sore your foote may trip,
That in your lofty Caprioll and turne,
Their motion may make your dimension burne.