University of Virginia Library

Agnes handed back the letters — so suggestive of the penalty paid already for his own infatuation by the man who had deserted her! — with feelings of shame and distress, which made her no fit counsellor for the helpless woman who depended on her advice.

'The one thing I can suggest,'
she said, after first speaking some kind words of comfort and hope,
'is that we should consult a person of greater experience than ours. Suppose I write and ask my lawyer (who is also my


friend and trustee) to come and advise us to-morrow after his business hours?'

Emily eagerly and gratefully accepted the suggestion. An hour was arranged for the meeting on the next day; the correspondence was left under the care of Agnes; and the courier's wife took her leave.

Weary and heartsick, Agnes lay down on the sofa, to rest and compose herself. The careful nurse brought in a reviving cup of tea. Her quaint gossip about herself and her occupations while Agnes had been away, acted as a relief to her mistress's overburdened mind. They were still talking quietly, when they were startled by a loud knock at the house door. Hurried footsteps ascended the stairs. The door of the sitting-room was thrown open violently; the courier's wife rushed in like a mad woman.

'He's dead! they've murdered him!'
Those wild words were all she could say. She dropped on her knees at the foot of the sofa — held out her hand with something clasped in it — and fell back in a swoon.

The nurse, signing to Agnes to open the window, took the necessary measures to restore the fainting woman.

'What's this?'
she exclaimed.
'Here's a letter in her hand. See what it is, Miss.'

The open envelope was addressed (evidently in a feigned hand-writing) to 'Mrs. Ferrari.' The post-mark was 'Venice.' The contents of the envelope were a sheet of foreign note-paper, and a folded enclosure.

On the note-paper, one line only was written. It was again in a feigned handwriting, and it contained these words: