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Deep Caverns that lose themselves in the Distance.
Pedrarias, Gusman, and Spaniards.
Gusman, it was a dreadful night! Methinks
The heavens smile not on our enterprise.
Has Perez seen my son?

He has, my lord.
Long practised, in their secret haunts, to hunt
The natives, he, with matchless skill, has traced
The winding way the fugitives pursued.
These caves conceal his trusty band.


'Tis well.
Our veteran troops where posted?

In the rear,
A few hours march, my lord. Refresh'd by rest,
Elate with hope, and burning with impatience,
They wait their conquering chief to lead them on.

Perez, thou said'st e'en now, had seen my son.
Summon him, Gusman; I will question him.
[Exit Gusman.
Thanks that thou yet art safe, my son! What pangs
Have I endured, since from a father's presence
In wrath I banished thee!
Re-enter Gusman with Perez.
Good Perez, welcome.
Thy skill and diligence have well deserved.
How follow'd'st thou Alphonso and the slave?

My lord, I traced their steps by many signs:
Here, twisted boughs had form'd a hasty bower—
There, lay remains of fruits; beside the rill,
The shells of cocoa nuts had served as goblets.


And didst thou see Alphonso?

Yes, my lord:
But two nights since, Zamori and your son,
Beneath a plantain so profoundly slept,
That by the moonlight I could dwell a space
Distinctly on each feature.

Two nights since!
How many chances may two nights involve,
And two long days that have gone by since then!

E'en now, my lord, I saw Zamori.


Beneath dry leaves, within a thicket laid:
I scarcely breathed.

And by his side Alphonso?

Zamori was alone. With alter'd carriage,
He raged—he beat his breast—and, desperate,
On the cold earth he flung himself.


Spoke he?

Some words he mutter'd, and methought the tones
Were those of deadly anger—menaces,
As though of vengeance.

Tones of anger!—menaces!
Gods! can the slave I deign'd to favour?—Yes,
A Spaniard, and Pedrarias' son, might well
Become the object of Zamori's vengeance!
Retire, good Perez. Gusman, I will follow:
In th'inner cave we will concert our measures.
[Exeunt Gusman and Perez.
Ungrateful, wayward boy! Thou little know'st
How still the father hangs about this heart!
I would not lose thee, no—for all the wealth
Of either world! But wherefore take th'alarm?
The slave's hand raised against the conqueror's son!
He durst not—no—the thought is idle—vain.
Besides, Alphonso had his sword!—No more—
These fears might better suit a trembling mother,
Than one, who, heaven commission'd, seeks new worlds,
Sets on their shores his foot, and stamps them his!

[He follows Gusman and Perez into the further caverns.